
fǎ ɡuó xiàn fǎ
  • French constitution
  1. 一年前,法国宪法委员会否决了上述税收提案,对奥朗德造成了打击。在2012年成功击败前总统尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)的大选中,奥朗德将该提案作为一项关键的政策主张提出。

    The council struck down the tax a year ago in a blow to Mr Hollande , who had made it a key proposal in his successful 2012 election campaign against former president Nicolas Sarkozy .

  2. 1791&1875年法国宪法频繁变更的历史分析

    A Historical Analysis of Changeable French Constitutions from 1791 to 1875

  3. 英国和法国宪法监督模式之比较

    Comparative Study on the Constitution of Supervision Mode with Regard to Britain and France

  4. 法国宪法委员会在昨日发布的裁决中表示,修订过的提案符合宪法规定。

    In a ruling published yesterday , the council said the reformulated tax conforms with the constitution .

  5. 法国宪法委员会在昨日发布的裁决中表示,修订过的提案“符合宪法规定”。

    In a ruling published yesterday , the council said the reformulated tax " conforms with the constitution . "

  6. 不过,当时法国宪法委员会则认为要切断用户的网络连接之前,必须先对用户实行庭审,因为只有法官才有权利决定是否要对用户进行断网惩罚。

    France s Constitutional Council said that citizens deserved a court hearing , however , as only a judge should have the power to deny a user access to the Internet .

  7. 除非法国订立宪法

    until France had been given a constitution .

  8. 娜雅·瓦洛·贝尔卡桑同意了他的诉求,并在今年1月31日的公开声明中表示:“法国的宪法及法国对欧洲的承诺书中明确列有男女平等的原则,而这项法令违反了男女平等原则”。“据此我们应废除此条法令。”

    Ms Vallaud-Belkacem agreed , and in a published statement on Jan. 31st wrote : " This ordinance is incompatible with the principles of equality between women and men , which are listed in the Constitution , and in France 's European commitments . " From that incompatibility follows the implicit abrogation of the ordinance . "

  9. 然而,通奸几乎是法国总统的宪法义务。

    However , French presidents are almost constitutionally obliged to commit adultery .

  10. 孔多塞宪法草案和法国1793年宪法的比较

    Comparative Studies on the Condorcet Constitution Draft the 1793 Constitution

  11. 希拉克曾预言法国拒绝此宪法会带来政治和经济的末日。

    Chirac of fear-mongering and dissembling when he predicted political and economic doom for France if the country rejected the constitution .

  12. 在对法国部分的研究中,侧重对法国宪法制度的研究;

    In France 's research part stress constitution system ;

  13. 法国总统雅克。希拉克曾预言说假如法国拒绝此宪法将会导致其在欧洲的孤立。此刻他试图以僵硬的笑容来掩饰内心的不满。

    President Jacques Chirac , who had predicted France 's isolation in Europe if the constitution was rejected , smiled stiffly as he struggled to mask his disappointment .