
fǎ zhì yuán zé
  • Principles of the rule of law;principle of rule of law
  1. 但是,要严格实行法治原则,必须保证法制自身的统一性。

    To strictly fulfill the principle of rule of law , it is necessary to guarantee the unity of legal institution .

  2. 站在立法者立场,应当首先考虑两项原则:一是法治原则。

    Standing on the position of legislators , two principles should be considered firstly : The first is the principle of rule of law .

  3. 金融危机下我国政府救市须遵循法治原则

    China government saving market should follow legal rule under financial crisis

  4. 税收筹划与行政法治原则

    Tax Plan and Administrative Principle of Legality On the Administration by Law

  5. 试论高校处分违纪学生的法治原则高校处分违纪学生的法律问题探讨

    On the Legal Principle of Disciplinary Measures against Students in Violation of Discipline

  6. 论侦查行为法治原则&兼谈我国侦查程序改革

    On Rule - by-Law Principle of Investigation Act

  7. 论西方近代法治原则与市民社会变革

    The Rule of Law in Modern Western Countries and the Revolution of Civil Society

  8. 法国行政法治原则及其借鉴价值

    On Principle of Administrative Law of State by Law and Its Value to Use for Reference

  9. 公开、公平、公正和效益是程序规范设定的法治原则。

    Openness , fairness , impartiality and effectiveness are the procedural norms set by rule of law .

  10. 这是因为法治原则是宪法的基础原则之一;

    That is because principle of ruling by law is one of the constitution 's basic principle ;

  11. 正当程序是英美法上重要的宪政和法治原则。

    Due process is an important principle of constitutional government and rule by law in common law .

  12. 以此为依据,笔者认为矫正应遵循下列原则:1.法治原则。

    Taking this as the basis , the author thought the correction should follow the following principles : 1 .

  13. 古典共和与当代宪政至少在以下四个方面存在深层契合:法治原则的推崇;

    There are at least four overlapping of classical republicanism and constitutionalism : the canonizing of rule of law ;

  14. 法治原则包括政府法治、经济法治和社会法治。

    The rule of law including the rule of government law , economic law and the rule of social law .

  15. 在民事制裁中,法院行使了行政权和个案中的立法权,违反分权制衡的法治原则。

    In fact , it disobeys the passive and neutral nature of judicature , and causes the judicial authority loss .

  16. 表面看来言论免责权与法治原则相冲突,实质上它们是彼此相容的。

    It appears to conflict with the principle of the rule of law ; in essence , they are mutually compatible .

  17. 而非赢利部门的建设往往是与市场经济、有限政府以及法治原则相辅相成的。

    However , the construction of the non-profit sector is always correlative with market economy , limited government and principle of nomocracy .

  18. 只有不断改革,才能更加规范、合理,符合法治原则。

    Only with the unceasing reform , it can be normal , reasonable , and conforms to the principle of rule by law .

  19. 在法治原则下无罪推定不是必须的法律技术设计。

    The principle of presumption of innocence is not an absolutely necessary designation in legal technique under the principle of rule of law .

  20. 一方面要做到统筹城乡发展对民事司法法治原则的服从。

    On the one hand to do urban and rural development on the rule of law , subject to the civil justice system .

  21. 遵循法治原则,建立法治国家,则必须完成法律的道德化历史过程。

    The deference government by law principle , founds country under the rule of law , then must complete legal the road Dehua history process .

  22. 无罪推定原则是国际通行的一条刑事法治原则,但无罪推定原则在我国则处境困顿。存疑时有利于被告原则的适用界限

    Innocent presumption is a general recognized principle of criminal law around the world . Applying Limit of the Doctrine The Accused Presumed Innocent until Proven Guilty

  23. 法治原则要求形成一套应对各种突发公共事件的法律制度。

    The principle of rule of law requests to form a set of legal system in order to deal with each kind of emergency public affairs .

  24. 少数民族经济法司法适用的原则有:法治原则、平等原则、独立原则和法律责任原则。

    The principle of the judicatory application in ethnic economy law is covered with the tenet of rule by law , equivalence , independence and legal obligation .

  25. 行政行为的违法性问题是探究行政主体责任的前提和基础。现代社会行政活动必须符合行政法治原则,否则即为法律所否定。

    Illegalities is the prerequisite and basis , Modern administrative activities must be consistent with the principles of administrative law , or shall be denied by law .

  26. 劳动教养制度在实体方面规定过于笼统,在程序方面有违程序法治原则。

    With aspect to entity , Labor Education and Rehabilitation System is too general while with aspect to procedure , it violates the principle of rule of law .

  27. 违宪审查的制度设计应当符合法治原则,体现出国家权力之间的制衡作用。

    Design for this system should conform to the principle of Rule by Law and give expression to the checks and balances among public powers of a state .

  28. 必须认真回顾和总结历史经验教训,针对特殊的国情,坚持法治原则,从根本上解决市场经济秩序规范化的问题。

    It is necessary to sum up the historical lessons in retrospect and solve the problem with legally regulating the market economy order in view of our national condition .

  29. 但从法律思维的主流倾向看,法律思维仍然表现为在不背离法治原则的前提下对法律灵活运用。

    However , seen from its primary tendency , legal thought still behaves as the flexible exertion of law on the premise of no lapsing from the nomocracy principle .

  30. 其中,法治原则是各国行使检察侦查权应当遵守的一项根本原则,它要求各国检察机关或检察官在行使检察侦查权时,应当具有程序法治观念、严格依法合理行使自由裁量权。

    The principle of rule of law is a fundamental principle , which requires procuratorial organs or prosecutors to abide strictly the procedure law and exercise their discretionary power .