
  • 网络Legal system;system of jurisprudence;Pandektensystem
  1. 经济法作为法学体系中的分支学科,其传统的教学方法具有一定的局限性。

    Economic law is one of the subdisciplines of the system of jurisprudence and the traditional teaching method has some limitation .

  2. 法学体系与法律体系存在着辩证关系。

    There is a dialectical relationship between the legal science system and legal system .

  3. 经济法的定位与经济法学体系之重构

    The Orientation of Economic Law and the Reconstruction of the System of Economic Jurisprudence

  4. 构建具有中国特色的宪法学体系&评周叶中教授主编《宪法》

    Build Constitutional System with Chinese Characteristics & On Constitution Edited by Professor ZHOU Ye-zhong ;

  5. 宪法在法学体系中具有根本性、基础性的地位。

    Constitution plays a basic and fundamental role in the system of the science of law .

  6. 一方面,通过分析环境法在法学体系中的地位,指出环境法属于行政法,所以环境法本质上是对政府环境行政的法律控制。

    Therefore the essence of the environment law is to limit the government while protecting the environment .

  7. 它是将若干个分散的内容整合为一个完整的行政法学体系的主线。

    It is the main line that concentrate certain scattered contents into a whole administrative law system .

  8. 法律原则与法学体系之走向&以封闭体系与开放体系之对比为线索

    Law Principle Alignment of the Law System : With Clue of the Contrast of Close System Open System

  9. 它完备了中国近代的法学体系,有助于中国传统法律文化与世界法律文明的相互融汇,为中国近代商法建设奠定了基础。

    It had matured Chinese modern law system and conduced to the fusion of Chinese conventional law culture and international law civilization .

  10. 回顾我国经济法的发展历史,可以看到经济法学体系是在计划经济向市场经济转变过程中逐渐建立和发展起来的。

    Reviewing the history of Chinese economic law , we can find out that the economic jurisprudence develops while the planned economy transforms to the market economy .

  11. 面对知识经济的挑战,经济法学体系应根据现实发展而重构,有关经济法学研究的理念也应当更新。

    Facing the challenge of the knowledge-base economy , the economic jurisprudence should be reconstructed according to reality , and its researching idea also needs to be renewed .

  12. 对金融法体系的构建存在的偏差,原因在于很多学者忽视了或者说是错误理解了法学体系和法律体系的区别。

    To financial law deviation that system make , the reason lies in a lot of scholar ignore or misunderstand the difference of system of science of law and legal system .

  13. 刑事执行法是与刑法、刑事诉讼法并列的刑事法学体系的三大主干学科之一,但是在实践中最容易遭到忽视。

    Criminal execution law is one of three mainstay subjects in criminal jurisprudence system which parallels to criminal law and criminal procedure law . However , it is most easily ignored in practice .

  14. 目前法学体系内部各学科的受重视程度正日趋失调,应用法学逐渐受宠,理论法学渐遭冷落,尤其是法史学。

    The present situation is that legal system has been becoming disharmony in which applicable science of law has attracted larger attention and legal theory is being ignored , especially the history of law .

  15. 行政法援用既是一个行政法的法律产出技术问题,又是一个行政法的法律适用问题,其在行政法治体系和行政法学体系中本应具有非常重要的地位。

    The citation of administrative law is technologic matter of law production and application of administrative law . It should have played a very important role in system of rule and science of administrative law .

  16. 而作为整个法学体系一般理论和基础理论的法理学如何为这一要求提供理论分析和支持,则是摆在每一个法理人面前的重要课题。

    However , as the general and fundamental theory of the whole legal system , how the jurisprudence can provide theoretical analysis and foundation to such a requirement is an important subject faced by every lawyer .

  17. 既判力理论是民事诉讼法学体系中的重要理论之一,就其理论内部而言,既判力客观范围理论是最具实践意义的课题,具有举足轻重的重要地位。

    Res judicata theory is an important theory to Civil law system and the objective scope of res judicata theory is the most practical aspect of the system , playing an important role in the theory .

  18. 正确认识经济法的本质,界定经济法是政府管理和协调国民经济运行关系的法律,是正确构建经济法学体系的前提。

    Understanding the essence of e-conomic law and defining it as the law of managing and coordinating the relationship of the national e-conomy by the government , is the premise to construct the economic jurisprudence rightly .

  19. 普通法发源于英国,但法学体系中的宪法解释学却是在美国起源并在普通法体系中发展到最高水平的。

    Although England is the home of the common law , it is in the USA that the jurisprudence of constitutional interpretation originated and reached the highest level of development within the common law family of legal systems .

  20. 通过以现代法学体系的划分方法对条例内容进行归类、整理,从而有助于更好地理解条例作为辅律的法律方式是怎样具体辅律的。

    Modern legal system through the classification method to classify the content of the regulations , order , and thus contribute to a better understanding of the regulation as a secondary law is how the legal way of specific secondary laws .

  21. 保障公众权利是政府不可推卸的责任。在行政法学体系内部,行政规划无疑是一个比较新兴的课题,其涵盖的研究课题之一的行政规划法律救济问题更是如此。

    No doubt , administrative plan is a new topic in the administrative jurisprudence , in particular the legal remedies of Administrative planning . But during the Administrative planning how to protect the right of public is the most important problem .

  22. 摘要阿奎那把亚里斯多德的理论与基督教神学巧妙地结合起来,从哲学上论证了理性和信仰的关系,并把意志和理性、自然法和神法结合了起来,创立了完备而系统的神学法学体系。

    Ingeniously integrated aristotle 's theory with Christian theology , Aquinas successfully demonstrated the relationship between the reason and belief , and set up mature and systematic theological legal theory based on the combination of will and reason , natural law and divine law .

  23. 立足于法理学上的部门法划分标准以及新近提出的国际民商新秩序概念,统一实体法在国际法学体系中宜归入国际私法学范畴,现存国际法学体系的构成受到挑战。

    Based on the standards for the division of law branch and the lately proposed conception of international new civil and commercial order , uniform substantive law should be classified into three types . International private law challenges the existing system of international law .

  24. 清末修律以及近代法学体系的建立,标志着传统中华法系的解体,是中国法律近代化的开端,在中国法制史上具有重要意义。

    The establishment of the modern legal system and the legal reform in late Qing dynasty marks the disintegration of the Chinese Legal System . It is the beginning of the modernization of chinese legal system , which is also an important significance in chinese legal history .

  25. 行政行为,是一个在行政法学体系中具有十分重要地位的概念,也是引发行政诉讼的基本条件和根本原因,同时还是行政诉讼当事人争议之标的。

    The administrative action is the concept that plays an extremely important role in the administrative jurisprudence system . It is the basic condition and reason that can initiate the administrative lawsuit , at the same time it is also the sign that the administrative proceedings litigant dispute .

  26. 第三部分重点论证了国际商法在国际法学体系中独立的法律部门地位,进而论证国际商法学科是独立的法学学科,国际商法课程在法学课程体系中具有核心课程地位。

    In chapter three , it describes that the international commercial law has an independent position in the international law system . The international commercial law is an independent subject , and the courses of the international commercial law should have core course position in the international law course system .

  27. 19世纪末德国学者OttoMayer以行政行为概念为基础建构的传统行政法学理论体系,迄今仍在学界占据统治地位,但其无法完全涵盖与行政相关的诸多法律社会关系也是不争的事实。

    The end of 1800s , the traditional administrative science of law theory system that Germany scholar Otto Mayer regards an administrative act concept as basis construction , has milepost significance on the development of administrative law that occupies the science of law that governs place .

  28. 略论我国民族法学学科体系的构建

    On the Discipline System Construction of Chinese Law for Ethnic Minorities

  29. 论环境资源法学理论体系的框架

    On the Theoretical Framework of Jurisprudential System on Environment and Resources

  30. 目前,学界对卫生法学理论体系问题缺乏深入研究。

    So far , no detailed study has been made on this theoretical system .