
  • 网络corporatism;Copo-ratism
  1. 中国民间组织管理模式转型&法团主义的视角

    Administration Model Transition of NGOs in China : In View of Corporatism

  2. 法团主义视角下的武汉工会(1945-1949)

    Under Corporatism Group Principle Angle of View Wuhan Labour Union ( 1945-1949 );

  3. 国家法团主义视域下政府与非政府组织的互动关系研究

    A Study on the Interaction Between Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations under the State Corporatism

  4. 法团主义模式下的工会角色

    The Role of Trade Unions Under Corporatism Model

  5. 法团主义在法西斯意大利的命运

    The Fate of Corporatism in Fascist Italia

  6. 从国家与社会关系重构的视角来看,法团主义提供了一种现实可行的选择。

    From the perspective of rebuilding state-society relations , corporatism provides a realistic and feasible choice .

  7. 法团主义模式下,行业协会具备行业性和会员单一的组织制度特征。

    Under corporatism mode , the industry associations have " industrialize " and the " single-member " features .

  8. 其四是以马克思一法团主义的视角,对政府干预社会的原因进行了必要的推论。

    Fourth is " Marx-corporatism " perspective on government intervention in the cause of the community the necessary inference .

  9. 第三,环保组织与国家形成法团主义的结构互动关系,共同实现环境保护目标。

    Third , the environmental organization and state can form a interactive relation as corporatism and commonly realize the objective of environmental protection .

  10. 第二部分阐述了行业协会的相关概念,介绍了行业协会研究的相关理论:治理理论和法团主义理论。

    The second part deals with related concepts of trade associations , which introduces the two main theory of trade association : Governance Theory & Incorporation Theory .

  11. 值得注意的问题是,在这样一种大的制度框架中,国家与社会相互增权的新理念和新模式是否能够得到发展,并且进一步推动中国的社团空间向社会法团主义转化?

    Nevertheless it is worth watching if state corporatism would transform itself into societal corporatism as a new approach of state society mutual empowerment is embraced by Chinese actors .

  12. 本文从社会资本与政治的相关性入手,着重分析社会资本构建的两种模式,社会法团主义和国家法团主义。

    This paper , starting with the connection of social capital and politics , focuses upon analyzing two models of reconstructing social capital : social corporatism and state corporatism .

  13. 现行行业协会管理体制基本与国家向市场和社会领域的让渡同步,是一种典型的国家法团主义体制。

    The present management system of trade promotion association was in the same phase with the state field retreating from market field and society field , which was a typical corporatism led by state .

  14. 资本主义的尖牙利爪将不再锋利,我们将看到生活在20世纪70年代的人们所熟悉的国家法团主义的回归。

    The teeth and claws of capitalism will be blunted , and we will see the return of forms of state corporatism familiar to those of us who lived and worked in the 1970s .

  15. 通过比较多元主义与法团主义关于国家和社会关系、控制和自治关系上的不同思路,从法团主义的角度对社区居委会的定位进行了阐释。

    By comparing dissimilar ideas between pluralism and corporatism on relationship between state and society and relationship between control and self-government , it gives explanations of the positioning of community neighborhood committee from the perspective of corporatism .

  16. 其中,多元主义与精英主义处于(权力)分散与集中连续谱的不同位置,而多元主义与法团主义则可以在(组织)开放与封闭的连续谱上发现它们的居所。

    At the opposite poles of the continuum of " competition - monopoly " based on power distribution , stand Pluralism and Elitism while Pluralism and Corporatism can be found in the continuum of " open - close " in term of organization structure .