
  • 网络legalism
  1. 该部分首先从介绍法家思想的基本内容着手,到解析韩非子出生的时代背景,学术背景及他的法治思想内容;其次,全面论述了韩非子的以法治国思想。

    Firstly , the content involves the introduction of basic Legalism , the Han Fei-born background , academic background and his ideological content of the rule of law .

  2. 儒家思想与法家思想是最初的世界政治思想精华。

    Confucianism and legalism are responsible for creating the world 's first meritocracy .

  3. 《韩非子》集法家思想之大成。

    In Han Fei Zi all previous teachings of the legalist thinkers were synthesized and brought to their highest development .

  4. 齐与晋秦法家思想之差异

    The Difference of Legalists Thoughts among Qi Dynasty and Jin & Qin Dynasty

  5. 法家思想有着重要的现实意义,东国法家的财政思想使齐国国力大振、国富兵强;

    Legalists ' financial thinkings had great practical significance .

  6. 法家思想衰亡原因的法理学思考

    The Reasons of the Decline of the Legalism Ideology in Terms of Jurisprudence

  7. 一个最低限度的法治概念&对中国法家思想的现代阐释

    One Legal Concept of the Lowest Limit

  8. 秦朝时(公元前221年至公元前206年),法家思想是国家的主流思想。

    In the Qin Dynasty ( 221 - 206B . C. ) , Legalism served as the state ideology

  9. 我们要正视中国传统文化,从法家思想中获取我国现代法治建设的启示。

    We must face the Chinese traditional culture , to get from Legalism Law in Modern China Construction .

  10. 二十世纪中国学界对专制概念的理解与法家思想研究

    Chinese Scholars ' Understanding of Conception of Despotism in the 20th Century and the Study of the Pre-Qin Legalists

  11. 道家、儒家、法家思想对现代企业经营管理的启示

    Enlightenment of Taoism , Confucianism and Legalism to Modern Management On the Similar Idea of Communication between Confucianism and Legalism

  12. 韩非本人是法家思想的集大成者,因此谈及很多的治理国家的思想。

    Han Fei thought I Legalists expression , and therefore a lot of talk about the idea of governing the country .

  13. 然而,在此过程中,法家思想发生了变异,集中体现在法家“真精神”的遗失。

    However , the legalist theory varied in this process , especially loss of " the true spirit of the legalist " .

  14. 韩非法治主义是综合诸子思想并有重大理论创新的法家思想传统。

    Han Feis " rule of law " is the synthetic result of various scholastic thoughts and a great theoretical development as well .

  15. 法家思想不同于同时期的其他学说,它主张以最实际、最有效的方法,最快的实现统治秩序。

    Legalist ideology was different from the other coeval theory , it advocated to realize the governs order using the most actual and effective methods .

  16. 韩非是法家思想的集大成者,他继承和发扬前期法家的历史进化思想,而且又有创新。

    Han Fei is the master of legalist school , his inheritance and carry forward the historical evolution of the prophase legalists thought , and innovation .

  17. 因此,把陈启天的新法家思想引入我国法治建设体系是有其理论依据及积极意义的。

    We introduce the ideology of the the new legalist ideology Of Chen Qitian to the construction about law system in China which has theoretical basis .

  18. 身为法家思想集大成者的韩非子是先秦时期非常重要的一位思想家,其作品《韩非子》意义重大。

    As a synthesizer of Legalist thinking Han Feizi is a very important thinker of the pre-Qin , his work ," Han Feizi " of great significance .

  19. 蔡京的经济思想上承法家思想的特点,又受到时代环境因素和王安石理财观的影响。

    The economic thoughts pile on Cai Jing legalists ' thought characteristic , and by the age environmental factors and the effect of Wang Anshi financial management concepts .

  20. 分配型教育政策执行的理论构建&以国家助学贷款政策为例韩非是我国战国末期一位著名的哲学家、思想家、政治理论家,也是先秦时期法家思想的集大成者。

    Theoretical Development of Allocation Education Policy Implementation ; Han Fei is a famous philosopher , thinker and theorist of politics , also the model of Pre-Qin Legalist School .

  21. 其价值基础在于将现代西方法治观念与儒家价值观念、类似于法家思想的价值观念相结合。

    Its value basis lies in the combination of the modern western concept on rule - by - law with Confucian values as well as some ideas similar to Legalists .

  22. 秦汉法律内容大体上是相同的,基本上是法家思想的产物,是战国以来变法活动的成果。

    The Qin and Han law are generally the same , the idea is basically the product of Legalists , since the Warring States period are the fruits of reform activity .

  23. 三晋法文化的源与流&先秦法家思想集大成者韩非的思想渊源

    Three-Jin Legal Culture 's Origin and Branch & the source of the thought of Han Fei who is the master of the Legalist school in the era before the Qin dynasty

  24. 一方面赦免制度能稳定社会秩序、补充法律功能的不足、在一定程度上促进经济发展和促进儒家思想和法家思想的进一步融合。

    The positive point is that it can improve the stability of society , complement the function of law , and promote the development of economy and link between Confucianism and Legalist .

  25. 《性自命出》作为儒学文献虽为诸多学者认同,然而亦有将之归结为与道家或法家思想更有相通之处者。

    For many a scholar , though Spirit Stems from Fate is identified as Confucian literature , yet a few of them still associate it with the thoughts of Taoism or Legalism .

  26. 法家思想是中国传统文明的重要组成部分文化内涵十分丰富,既存在着历史的局限性,也蕴含着值得借鉴和继承的合理成分。

    Legalism is a traditional Chinese civilization and an important part of culture is very rich , only the existence of historical limitations , it is worth learning and inheritance contains reasonable elements .

  27. 独尊法术的速亡&秦王朝政治文化选择的历史教训法家思想与秦王朝灭亡关系新论

    The Perish of Absolute King Power & On the History Precept of Political Culture Choice of Qin Dynasty New View Point on the Relationship between Legalist ′ s Theory and the Downfall of Qin Dynasty

  28. 宋代王安石的变法实践与变法思想都受到了先秦法家思想的影响,继承了法家的变法理论及社会进化历史观。

    Song dynasty Wang Anshi political reform practice and reform are subject to the influence of the Pre-Qin legalists ' thought , and inherited the reform of the legalist school theory and social evolution history .

  29. 法家思想在秦朝居于统治地位。武帝继位不久即把法家学派的学者驱逐出政府。

    Soon after he ascended the throne , he ordered that students of the Legalist philosophy , which had been the dominant school of thought in the Qin period , be banished from the government .

  30. 秦朝的灭亡,实际上是法家思想作为统治策略的失败,汉代统治者与思想家经历了从黄老道家思想的实践到儒家思想的认同的过程,最终确立儒家思想作为统治思想。

    The perdition of the Qin Dynasty indicates the failure of the thoughts of legalists as ruling strategies . Thinkers and rulers in the Han Dynasty experienced from the practice of Taoism to the recognition of Confucianism .