
fǎ guān
  • judge;justice;bench;ordinary;Sheriffs;beak
法官 [fǎ guān]
  • (1) [judge]∶具有审理和裁决争讼问题的权力的政府官员;尤指法院中的负责法官,通常在任命中这样命名

  • (2) [justice]∶正式受命主持法庭或进行审讯和裁决争端并执法的人

法官[fǎ guān]
  1. 对法官应该称“法官大人”。

    The judge should be addressed as ' Your Honour ' .

  2. 法官在桌子上敲下他的木槌。

    The judge brought his hammer down on the table .

  3. 法官必须在法庭的权限范围内行使权力。

    The judge has to act within the competence of the court .

  4. 法官的勇气和人道受到称赞。

    The judge was praised for his courage and humanity .

  5. 她冲着法官高声骂了一连串的脏话。

    She screamed a string of obscenities at the judge .

  6. 法官判他五年监禁。

    The judge sentenced him to five years in prison .

  7. 任何前科法官都将予以考虑。

    The judge will take into consideration any previous convictions .

  8. 法官称那次袭击为令人发指的罪行。

    The judge described the attack as an abominable crime .

  9. 法官对判决有最后的决定权。

    The judge has the final say on the sentence .

  10. 法官判你败诉总是有可能的。

    It is always possible that the judge may decide against you .

  11. 法官命令将孩子送还他的母亲。

    The judge ordered the return of the child to his mother .

  12. 法官的判决成了法律界谈论的中心。

    The judge 's decision became a legal talking point .

  13. 本案下周交库珀法官审理。

    The case comes before Judge Cooper next week .

  14. 法官判决孩子由母亲监护。

    The judge directed that the mother be given custody of the children .

  15. 她最近当上了法官。

    She has recently been appointed to the bench .

  16. 法官判处他有期徒刑九个月,缓期执行。

    The judge gave him a nine-month suspended sentence .

  17. 法官拒绝他要求延期审理的动议。

    The judge refused his motion for a continuance .

  18. 法官对他太宽容了。

    The judge was far too lenient with him .

  19. 法官的陈词引起一片哗然。

    There was outcry at the judge 's statement .

  20. 法官指示陪审团作出无罪裁决。

    The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty .

  21. 法官已经周密考虑这一事情。

    The judge has taken the matter under advisement .

  22. 法官们不愿废止政府决定。

    Judges were unwilling to nullify government decisions .

  23. 必须承认不同的法官会采用不同的方法来判定这些案件。

    It must be conceded that different judges have different approaches to these cases .

  24. 她向法官请求宽大处理。

    She appealed to the judge for leniency .

  25. 法官裁决没有证明他有罪的证据,他获得释放了。

    He was released when the judge ruled there was no evidence against him .

  26. 法官判处他监禁。

    The judge gave him a custodial sentence .

  27. 法官责令双方律师要紧扣案情。

    The judge instructed both lawyers to stick to the facts of the case .

  28. 法官将于今天宣判。

    The judge will pronounce sentence today .

  29. 明天他们将出庭接受地方法官的审讯。

    They will appear before magistrates tomorrow .

  30. 没有其他问题了,法官大人。

    No more questions , Your Honour .