- Oil residue;scrap;dregs of fat

[dregs of fat] 动物脂肪熬炼后剩下的松脆物质
Methods for preparing natural vitamin E from vegetable oils , oil footings and deodorizer sludge , and methods by modern biotechnology were described in this paper . The applications in medicine , food , cosmetic and so on were also introduced .
When the blend composition were CPE 100 , waste oil 35 , and Red mud 200 , the mechanical properties of the composite were 12 MPa of the tensile strength , 300 % of elongation at break and 90 A of Shore hardness .
The waste oil resource was separated fully to use .
He is trying out chicken fat for crackling .
Commercial application of cr-005 cracking catalyst to increase residue blending ratio in FCC unit
Application of Industrial Waste Oils to Rubber-Plastic Modification
Scavenge box manhole opened , oil sludge removed out and wiped with diesel oil .
Coking mechanism of Fushun shale oil pitch
Environmental Quality Investigation and Ecological Risk of the Historical Hazardous Waste-Waste Oil Sludge Disposal Disposal Place in Yuhang
The unmelted residue left after animal fat has been rendered . North America has vast deposits of shale .
Slag : water , oil and diesel oil after drying out from the pot or mixed fertilizers can do against the feed .
It explained that the most biologic active substances in seabuckthorn seed were still left over in the oil dregs after extracting oil .
" Oil " means petroleum in any form including crude oil , fuel oil , sludge , oil refuse and refined products .
Crisp bits of fried pork fat ; cracklings . fat lining the abdomen and kidneys in hogs which is used to make lard .
The oil sludge is burned out in the incinerator on board , and oily bilge water is separated with the oily water separator .
In the recovery of used acid from coking refined benzene by means of salting-out-extraction process , small amount of acid tar slag is produced .
Oil-cake and other solid residues , whether or not ground or in the form of pellets , resulting from the extraction of soyabean oil .
By means of analysis on nature of waste slag and in combination with the feature of coking production , the comprehensive utilization way is discussed .
Use of pepper seeds ( pepper seeds ) can be used as feed additives for oil extraction , production of bio-diesel can be used for fertilizer .
In this paper , according to the practice of production , the detailed method on cleaning , conditioning , pressing of castor beans and crude oil separation are expounded .
Various products can be obtained such as corn starch , corn oil , dextrins , corn syrup , high fructose corn syrup , corn oil meal , dextrose and corn gluten can be developed after wet milling .
This model is based on our country coastal shipping violates the bilge water put forward , but the illegal discharge of residual oil , diesel and oil tank washing water and ballast water also has reference function .
Best of all though are the cattle , especially when they are fed on those oilcakes . In this presentation the recovery of residual oil from flax seed cake after pressing will be used as an example .
The test indicated that the oil dregs of seabuckthorn seed contained more than ten kinds of chemical components , especially rich protein , carbohydrate , edible cellulose , potassium , magnesium , chromium , selenium and manganese , etc that the body needed .
Crowds gather at competitors " pots on Saturday evenings while the judges decide which wins the day in five categories : gravies , gumbos , cracklins ( or " gratons " ) , jambalayas and desserts ( yes , pies , cobblers and even cinnamon rolls cooked in cast iron ) .