
  • 网络Sour meat;acid meat
  1. 结论乳清酸肉毒碱对CCl4诱导的急性化学性肝损伤具有保护作用。

    Conclusions Carnitine - orotate posses protective effects on acute CCl_4-Liver Injuries .

  2. 乳清酸肉毒碱对CCl4所致急性化学性肝损伤的保护作用

    Protective Effect of Carnitine - orotate Against Acute Chemical Liver Injuries Induced by CCl_4

  3. 中国传统酸肉发酵过程中微生物的消长变化

    Alteration of Microbes Flora of Chinese Traditional Sour Meat During Fermentation

  4. 贵州荔波传统酸肉微生物菌群与营养品质评价

    Microflora and nutrition of traditional sour meat in Libo

  5. 中国传统酸肉中葡萄球菌的分离鉴定与应用研究

    Isolation and Identification of Staphylococci in Chinese Traditional Cured Meat and its Application

  6. 酸肉发酵中蛋白质降解及影响因素的研究

    Study on Protein Degradation and Its Affecting Factors in Fermentation Process of Sour Meat

  7. 摘要目的:了解蛋白质降解与酸肉品质间的关系以指导合理消费。

    Aim : To investigate the relations of protein degradation and fermented sour meat character so to guide reasonable consume .

  8. 酸肉发酵时间越长,脂肪降解后含量越低,实验小鼠脂质水平和空白对照组越接近,说明发酵酸肉中脂肪含量的变化是影响实验小鼠血脂水平的重要因素。

    The longer fermentation time , the lower content after lipid degradation , the closer lipid levels of experimental mice and blank control group .

  9. 侗族,每家均有数个酸肉鱼桶,有十多个酸菜坛(多者数十个)。

    The Dong minority , each has several sour meat fish barrel , has more than ten pickled cabbage worlds ( many dozens of ) .

  10. 步入侗寨,有哪家在煎酸肉或酸鱼,香味常常逗行游人唾涎三尺。

    Marches into the Dong stronghold , which has to fry the sour meat or the sour fish , the fragrance teases the good tourist saliva three feet frequently .

  11. 主要介绍了传统酸肉的生产现状及加工工艺,对其营养价值和安全性进行了分析。

    This article mainly introduced its production status , processing technic and the principle of preservativity , and analyse the microbiological indices , nutritional value and security of sour salt meat .

  12. 为发酵酸肉的功能作用和工业化生产提供基础研究数据,为降胆固醇乳酸菌的研究和应用提供原始菌株和基础研究支持。

    The work of this paper is to provide the basic research data function for industrial production of fermented meat , and to provide the original strain and basic research support for the research and application of cholesterol-reducing lactic acid bacteria . 1 .

  13. 牛黄酸对肉仔鸡卵黄囊吸收及甲状腺激素代谢的影响

    Effect of taurine on absorption of yolk sac and metabolism of thyroid hormone in Broilers

  14. 靖远滩羊体脂脂肪酸与肉品质关系的研究

    Study on short Chain and C18 Fatty Acids in Tan Sheep Meat and its Influence on Meat Flavor

  15. 蛋氨酸与其羟基类似物游离酸在肉仔鸡体内的相对生物学效价和吸收代谢比较

    Comparsion of Relative Bio-efficacy and Metabolism of Liquid Methionine Hydroxy Analogue Free Acid to DL-methionine in Broiler Chicken

  16. 山梨酸钾在肉制品中的应用实例

    Examples of potassium sorbate applied in meat and related products

  17. 柠檬酸残渣饲喂肉仔鸡的试验

    Effect of residue of citric acid on the broilers

  18. 山梨酸盐在肉制品加工中的应用

    Application of Sorbate in Meat Processing

  19. 日粮ω6/ω3比例对肉鸡脂肪酸组成及肉品质的影响

    Effect of Dietary ω 6 / ω 3 on Fatty Acid Composition and Meat Quality in Chickens

  20. 日粮色氨酸水平对肉仔鸡血浆色氨酸浓度和日增重的影响

    The influence of dietary tryptophan levels on plasma tryptophan concentrations and mean daily gain in broiler chicks

  21. 用胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、胰脂肪酶和淀粉酶商品消化酶代替肉仔鸡消化酶,猪胆盐代替胆汁酸,建立肉仔鸡体外消化的操作程序。

    Pig bile salt , several commercial digestive enzymes products , such as pepsin , trypsin , lipase and amylase , were used to imitate secretive digestive enzymes and bile acid , and established a digestive parameters and operating procedure in broiler model .

  22. NISIN、EDTA和山梨酸钾在冷却肉贮藏保鲜中的交互效应分析

    Interaction analysis of NISIN , EDTA and potassium sorbate on chilled meat preservation

  23. 溶菌酶、Nisin、山梨酸钾用于冷却肉保鲜的配比优化

    The Optimized Composite of Lysyme , Nisin and Potassium Sorbate in Fresh-keeping of Cool Pork

  24. 戊烯4酸的代谢物对肉毒碱乙酸基转移酶的抑制作用

    Inhibition of Carnitine Acetyltransferase by Metabolites of 4 - Pentenoic Acid

  25. 高赖氨酸转基因稻谷对肉仔鸡饲用安全性的研究

    Research of High Lysine Transgenic Paddy on Broiler Feed Security

  26. 鹌鹑肌肉肌苷酸含量和鹑肉保鲜时间的研究

    A study on the amount of inosinic acid in the muscle of quails and the meat keeping time

  27. 本文主要研究了复合磷酸盐和酪蛋白酸钠对提高肉制品保水性的作用。

    This paper studied the function of the mixed phosphates and sodium caseinate ( SC ) to improve the WHC of meat products .

  28. 肉类有酸猪肉、酸牛肉、酸鸭肉、酸鸡肉、酸鸟肉;

    The meats have the sour pork , the sour beef , the sour duck meat , the sour chicken , the sour bird meat ;