- Clear oil;boiled oil;edible vegetable oil

[edible vegetable oil] 菜油,茶油,植物油
The influences of temperature , pH , enzymes and the ratio of solid to liquid on the free oil yield were investigated .
Under the optimum centrifugation conditions of centrifugation speed 14 000 r / min and time 50 min , the free oil yield was 80 % .
Study on the thermal conversion reaction of narrow fraction of Liaohe FCC decant oil
Require oil clear assistance-danger of pollution imminent .
Local Pipe Changing and commissioning , and Cleaning Process for Long-distance Oil Transportation Pipeline
Egg Coating with Rape Seed Oil The study on microwave drying of rape seed
" Methods of test for appearance and penetrability of varnishes , boiled oils and thinners "
Transformation of oil and gas reservoir is one of the aspects for evolution of the oil-gas system .
The painter lightened the color with white . " Estimation of colour of varnishes , boiled oils and thinners "
The results showed that neutral protease ( PR ) was the best enzyme with the highest free oil yield efficiency .
Employing a smoking sprayer in spraying 6.5 % chlorothalonil during the initial stage of developing shoots also achieved fairly good results .
And Solomon gave Hiram twenty thousand measures of grain , as food for his people , and twenty measures of clear oil ;
Ns2s2 + 3 reservoir is a typical inhomogeneous blocked reservoir . It is very important for our adjustment and tapping potential to find out the distribustion of remaining oil .
In order to find out the migration pathway further , the present situation of study and evaluation of the depositional reservoirs are improved and the method for target processing is studied .
It will be beneficial to control of noise pollution to find out the present situation of oil-gas field noise pollution and control and to correctly predict the development tendency of noise pollution .
The needle valve can be closed through the rotation of a needle stem , and the oil cleaning device can also be driven to lift to clean out carbon deposit in the nozzle .
Under these conditions , the yield of free oil reached 84.24 % . Technology for extracting most part of free oil after centrifuging was adopted . The residue of free oil from the emulsion layer was obtained by adding Saccharomyces cerevisiae .
Eggs coated with rape seed oil could be stored for 6 months with high quality . Experiments indicated that the Haugh unit , yolk index and air cell highness in test group were highly significant ( P < 0.01 ) in comparison with those of the control group .