
  • Oil and gas resources;petroleum resources quantity
  1. 盆地总的油气资源量为46.8×108t,石油、天然气探明率分别为11.81%和9.31%。

    Total hydrocarbon resource is 46.8 × 108 t in the basin . The proved ratio of oil and gas is 11.81 % and 9.31 % respectively .

  2. 储容系数;碳酸盐岩油气资源量计算方法&藏控单储系数法

    Reservoir volume efficiency ; petroleum reserves calculation in carbonate formations method using reservoir controlled unit coefficients

  3. 盆地类比法以盆地性质类比为基础,以数理统计方法为手段评价油气资源量。

    Basin analogy estimates oil ( gas ) resources based on the analogy of basin type and statistics .

  4. 于奇地区油气资源量丰富,勘探及研究程度低。

    There is abundant hydrocarbon resource in Yuqi area but the degree of exploration and study is low .

  5. 研究结果表明,解析概率法计算的油气资源量与实际情况符合较好。

    The results showed that using analytic probabilistic algorithm to predict resource extent fairly tallies with the actual situation and is believable .

  6. 本文以较简便的油气资源量计算公式对塔里木盆地中生界烃源岩生烃量进行试评价。

    In this paper , a simple formula is used for estimating amounts of hydrocarbons generated from Mesozoic source rocks in Tarim basin .

  7. 基于这一认识,提出用藏控单储系数法计算碳酸盐岩油气资源量,并以塔河油田奥陶系一间房组为例。

    On this basis , a method used in reserves calculation in carbonate formation with unit coefficient is put forward in this paper .

  8. 首先综述了现在对全球油气资源量的估计和对21世纪全球油气资源发展形势的预测。

    In this paper , the authors synthetically summarize evaluation of the global oil and gas resources and prediction to their development situation in the 21st century .

  9. 该模型预测油气资源量的基本过程是把局部含油地质单元划分成若干个体积单元;

    It proves that the hydrocarbon amount predicted by this method is close to the expectation of the model , and that the estimation interval becomes obviously small .

  10. 三塘湖盆地的主要生油凹陷是条湖凹陷和马朗凹陷,按油气资源量它们属于中等丰度偏高的凹陷。

    Erlian basin is a large-scale continental-facies sedimentation basin with coal and oil , formed of many small Early Cretaceous lake depressions , contains abundant coalbed gas resources .

  11. 某高原盆地的油气资源量较为丰富,可找到大型油气田。

    The quantity of oil and gas resources in a certain plateau is abundant and it is likely that large oil and gas fields may be found in the plateau basin .

  12. 上三叠统须家河组油气资源量丰富,但探明率偏低,油气勘探潜力巨大。

    The Xujiahe Formation of the Upper Triassic Series is rich in resource capacity , but very low in proved rate , the potential of oil and gas exploration is huge .

  13. 中国的油气资源量的实际含义与国际通用的概念有很大的差别,这就容易造成混乱和误导。

    There is great difference between the petroleum resources used in China and the concept of resources commonly used in the world , which would easily result in confusion and misunderstanding .

  14. 根据目前国内外油气资源量和储量的不同涵义,将油气资源探明程度分为地质资源探明程度和可采资源探明程度。

    According to the different meanings of resources and reserve concepts used at home and abroad , the discovery degrees of petroleum resources in place and recoverable resources have been introduced in this paper .

  15. 研究粘土矿物对有机质的保存对于土壤和海洋沉积物的研究以及有机质生烃理论的深化和油气资源量的评价有着非常重要的作用。

    Clay minerals preservation of organic matter has a very important role in studies of soil and marine sediment . It is also of great significance for deepening the hydrocarbon-generating theory and the evaluation of oil and gas resources .

  16. 随着常规油气资源量的日愈减少,致密砂岩油气藏的勘探开发已引起人们的高度重视,这类非常规的气藏在目前的气藏开发中占据着重要地位。

    With the decrease of the conventional oil and gas resources , the exploration and development of tight sandstone reservoir has received considerable attention . And this kind of unconventional energy plays an important role in the present gas reservoir development .

  17. 我国油气资源量的概念未排除低于经济边际的无效资源和资源的非可采部分,与国际通用概念有含义上的差别。

    The definition of oil and gas resource amount is quite different from that of universally accepted one overseas , because China does not exclude " ineffective " resources which is lower than economic margin and the section that is unrecoverable .

  18. 预测油气资源量36.85亿t,目前已发现的油气储量仅为1亿t,具较大的勘探潜力。

    The resource reserve of oil and gas in the area is about 36.85 hundred million ton . But , now oil and gas found is just about 1 hundred million tons in the area , so it has great exploration potential .

  19. 在研究了勃利盆地中生界地质特征的基础上,运用蒙特卡罗法初步估算了盆地内的油气资源量,得出盆地油气资源量的概率分布函数图,取得不同概率下的油气资源量值。

    On the basis of the study on Mesozoic geological features , the resources of oil and gas were calculated by Monte-Carlo a map of distribution function of oil-gas resources in Boli Basin was made and varied qualities at different possibilities were drawn .

  20. 勘探早期经济评价方法则依据投入产出比原则,在预测圈闭油气资源量的基础上,对圈闭预期的油气销售收入和勘探成本进行估算。

    The economic evaluation in the early stage of exploration is to carry out an estimation of the forecasted oil and gas sales revenue and exploration cost for the trap on the basis of predicting oil and gas resources according to the input-output ratio principle .

  21. 最新评价结果是塔里木盆地油气总资源量为123.37亿t油当量,其中油资源量为59.94亿t,天然气资源量为79599.43亿m3。

    The latest result of oil and gas resource assessment is that the total resource is 123.37 million tons equivalent , which oil is 59.94 million tons and gas is ( 79 599.43 ) million cubes .

  22. 新一轮资源评价及勘探潜力分析表明,油田各探区油气总资源量13.55×108t。

    A new round of resources evaluation and exploration potential analysis show that the residual resource potentials in each exploration area are large and exploration spaces are broad .

  23. 应用圈闭加权法计算了塔里木盆地刻度区及满加尔油气系统的资源量,结果表明本方法是一种行之有效的资源评价方法。

    It is proved effective by the application in the reference sections and Manjiaer petroleum system of Tarim basin and has played an important role in the oil and gas resource evaluation recently .

  24. 本文应用概率统计理论和随机抽样模拟技术,建立了勘探过程模拟法,动态地研究油气勘探过程中资源量的发现与勘探工诈量之间的关系。

    The probability statistical theory and stochastic sampling modeling technology are used to establish an exploration process modeling method and dynamically study the relationship between the discovery of resource amount and the work load of exploration during the exploration of oil and gas .

  25. 以生烃量计算为基础,然后根据地质类比,选择适当的运聚系数,计算出所研究盆地(断陷)内油、气的远景资源量。

    By the basis of the hydrocarbon volume calculation , according to the geologic analogue , and by choosing the appropriate migration and accumulation coefficient , the prospective resources of oil and gas in the research basin ( fault depression ) can be calculated .

  26. 近年来在该盆地中进行了大规模的油气勘探,发现了一系列的油、气田,其油、气资源量近似1∶1,说明在该盆地中天然气资源非常丰富。

    In recent years the large scale of petroleum exploration in the basin has led to the discovery of a series of oil and gas fields , with an approximate 1 ∶ 1 ratio of oil to gas resource .

  27. 根据对其油气地质特征和勘探现状的分析,认为油气越富集的地区或构造带中未探明的油气资源量越多的区域,越需要深入研究和勘探;

    According to the analysis of the geological characteristics and the present exploration status , we consider that the more unproven oil-gas reserves exist in the petroliferous areas or structural belts , the more need for thorough study and exploration there are .