
qì xiàng tái
  • meteorological observatory
气象台 [qì xiàng tái]
  • [meteorological observatory] 在某些国家、从事精确和详细的气象观测,并有特殊科学设备从事大气现象研究的一种科学机构

气象台[qì xiàng tái]
  1. 中国建有世界上最早的气象台。公元1385年,明朝在南京建立观象台,比英国格林尼治观象台(建于1670年)早三个世纪。

    China boasts the world 's earliest observatory , built in Nanking in 1385 in the Ming Dynasty ( 1368 A.D. - 1644 A.D. ), three centuries ahead of the Greenwich Observatory built in Britain in 1670 .

  2. 1884年,国际子午线大会确立了格林威治标准时间(GMT),即伦敦附近的格林威治皇家气象台(theRoyalObservatoryinGreenwich)的平均太阳时间。

    The International Meridien Conference of 1884 established Greenwich Mean Time , referring to the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich , near London .

  3. 据气象台预报,明天有大风。

    According to the weather forecast , there will be a gale tomorrow .

  4. 气象台预报明天有雪。

    The weather station predicted snow for tomorrow .

  5. 中央气象台表示,降雪将导致气温下降8到10度,不过从11月20日至22日,降雪将逐渐减少,并转移至西北、华北的新疆、宁夏、甘肃以及北京等地。

    The National Meteorological Center said snow will continue to lower temperatures by 8 to 10 degrees , but will taper regions , Beijing and Gansu province .

  6. 中央气象台1月7日继续发布寒潮蓝色预警,华北及华南大部分地区都将迎来强降温和大风天气。

    China 's meteorological authority on Thursday renewed a blue alert for a cold wave , as most parts of northern and southern China will see drastic temperature drops and strong gales .

  7. 应用中央气象台24h降雨预报的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Applying 24h Precipitation Forecasts from the Central Meteorological Observatory Central Station

  8. 找到由4个纬度/经度对所确定的地理范围内的全部气象台及其最新的气象观测(返回XML文件)。

    Find the weather stations and their most recent weather observations within a bounding box of four latitude / longitude pairs ( returning an XML file ) .

  9. 100多年来,Sonnblick气象台一直记录阿尔卑斯山的气温。

    For more than a hundred years , Sonnblick Observatory has taken the Alps temperature .

  10. 应用上海中心气象台714数字化天气雷达的体积扫描资料所得到的不同高度上的CAPPI资料和低仰角时PPI资料,估算区域降水量并得到降水量分布形势。

    Using the CA PPI data at different heights and the PPI data at loW elevation angle based on the 3 dimentional volume scaning data of 714 digital radar in the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory , the area precipitation is estimated and the distribution pattern is achieved .

  11. 利用1971&2000年NCEP再分析资料和中央气象台提供的我国强冷空气过程统计资料,分析了近30年冬半年北极区及中高纬度地区大气环流形势的气候变化以及对中国强冷事件的影响。

    Based on the NCEP reanalysis data and the cold air outburst processes in each year provided by Central Meteorological Observatory ( CMO ) in 1971-2000 , the climate changes of Arctic atmospheric circulation feature and its effect on strong cold events in China are studied .

  12. 山西省气象台计算机网络运行简介

    Brief Introduction of the Computer Network operation in Shanxi Meteorological Observation

  13. 广西气象台影视广告竞争性环境分析

    Analysis of the Competitive Environment for Video Advertisement by Guangxi Observatory

  14. 对中央气象台旬预报能力的检验

    Verification of the Dekad Forecasts Issued by the Centeral Meteorological Observatory

  15. 广西气象台网上综合业务信息管理系统

    The Network Information Management System for Comprehensive Business of Guangxi Observatory

  16. 杭州市气象台说,大概要到明天。

    Hangzhou Meteorological Observatory said that the time is probably tomorrow .

  17. 气象台预报飓风即将来临。

    The weather station warned that a hurricane was coming .

  18. 省气象台已经预报在周一和周二将还会有降雪。

    Theprovincial weather bureau has forecast more snow for Monday and Tuesday .

  19. 地市级气象台开展数值天气预报的方法和途径

    Numerical Weather Prediction Method on the Prefectural Level Weather Stations

  20. 沈阳市移动气象台设计与实施

    Design and Implement of Mobile Meteorological Station in Shenyang

  21. 广西气象台影视广告经营的竞争策略

    Competitive Strategies of Advertisement on Weather Studio Management of Meteorological Observatory of Guangxi

  22. 气象台说今晚有雷阵雨。

    The weatherman said that there was going to is a thunderstorm tonight .

  23. 海南省气象台热带气旋业务系统

    Tropical Cyclone Operational System of Hainan Provincial Meterological Observatory

  24. 气象台预报将有大雪。

    The weather station warned of severe snowfalls ahead .

  25. 气象台已经预报了明日的天气。

    The weather station has forecast tomorrow weather .

  26. 省市县气象台之间网络天气预报会商系统

    Network weather forecast consultation system among meteorological observatories from provinces , cities and counties

  27. 长治市气象台报务转发系统

    Report Retransmit System of Changzhi Meteorological Observatory

  28. 湖南气象台今日多次发布红色和橙色高温预警信号。

    The Observatory of Hunan recently repeatedly announced the hot emergency of Red and Orange .

  29. 气象台天气分析预报技术发展走向和对策研究&气象台天气分析预报技术走向研究之二

    Research on Trends and Countermeasures of the Weather Analysis and Forecast Technology of Meteorological Observatory

  30. 中央气象台短期降雨预报水平初步分析

    A preliminary analysis of short-range forecasting level for precipitation by Central Meteorological Office of China