
qì yā jì
  • barometer;manometer;air pressure gauge;barograph;pressure gage
  1. 气压计上的箭头指向“有暴风雨”。

    The arrow on the barometer was pointing to " stormy " .

  2. 这种由精密时钟辅助GPS和气压计等组成的组合导航系统是一个理想系统。

    The combination of precise clock aided GPS with a barometer is an ideal integration .

  3. 大多数气压计的盘面都刻有天气术语。

    The dials of most barometers are inscribed with weather terms .

  4. 固定槽式气压计可以作为标准件去检验无液气压计。

    Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking aneroid barometers .

  5. 气压计用于测量气压。

    Barometers are used for measuring air pressures .

  6. 固定槽式气压计可以作为标准件去检验。

    Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking .

  7. 为了进一步改善GPS导航的精度和可用性,研究和建立了一个由铷钟辅助GPS和气压计、罗经组成的组合导航系统。

    To further improve GPS navigation availability , the integration of rubidium clock aided GPS with a baremeter and a gyro is investigated .

  8. 通过智能手机的GPS、指南针和气压计,该应用能远程确定某人的位置。

    Taking advantage of a smart phone 's GPS , compass and barometer , the app can determine the location of a person remotely .

  9. 基于AVR的智能数字气压计的优化设计

    Optimal Design of an Intelligent Digital Barometer Based on AVR

  10. 另外还有最新植入的M8协同处理器,它可以通过iPhone内部的多个传感器(甚至还包括一个可测量海拔高度变化的气压计)监测你的行动。

    There 's the new M8 co-processor , which tracks your activity using the phone 's myriad sensors , including a barometer to measure elevation changes .

  11. 内置的气压计能让GPS卫星定位更精确,NFC近场通讯芯片用于与其他配备NFC功能的安卓手机交换数据,这一交换过程叫做AndroidBeam。

    A built-in barometer helps with more precise GPS detection , and an NFC ( near field communication ) chip enables swapping data with other NFC-enabled Android phones , a process called Android Beam .

  12. 结合DeadReckoning模块的递推导航和气压计模块的海拔高度信息,能够完整的输出标准的NMEA-0183语句,真正意义上的实现惯性导航定位。

    Dead reckoning module combines the inertial navigation system and altitude barometer module information . This system completes the output of standard NMEA-0183 protocol , the realization of the true sense of inertial navigation and positioning .

  13. 气压计在下降(表示天气潮湿)。

    The barometer is falling , ie Wet weather is indicated .

  14. 气压计是丈量气压的好仪器。

    The barometer is a good instrument for measuring air pressure .

  15. 气压计正在下降,天要下雨了。

    The glass is falling ; it 's going to rain .

  16. 用气压计法测量风网阻力的精度检验

    Precision Check for Resistance of Mine Ventilation Networks Measured by Barometry

  17. 它说明把气压计钉上去的人没有钉牢它。

    It means whoever nailed the barometer did a poor job .

  18. 气压计上的箭头指向有暴风雨。

    The arrow on the barometer was pointing to Stormy .

  19. 空盒气压计读数亦须作温度改正和湿度改正。

    Aneroid readings must be adjusted for temperature and humidity .

  20. 便携式气压计的电路与系统设计

    The maximum fight altitude ; Design of a portable barometer

  21. 一种数字式无汞气压计的检定

    The Verification of a Kind of Digital Aneroid Manometer

  22. 这为气压计提供了适宜的刻度长度。

    It provides a convenient scale length for barometer .

  23. 气压计下降意味着什么?

    What does the falling of the barometer mean ?

  24. 采用气压计混合读数法测定了综放采场区域的通风阻力及通风等势图。

    Ventilation resistance and ventilation isobar in the workings were measured with barometer .

  25. 压力指示器、量表和微分气压计。

    Pressure indicator , gauge and differential gauge .

  26. 气压计基点法测矿井通风阻力的分析

    Analysis of Measurement of Mine Ventilation resistance by Base Points Method with Air Gauge

  27. 气压计的水银柱正在上升。

    The mercury in the barometer is rising .

  28. 空气压力用气压计度量。

    Air pressure is measured by a barometer .

  29. 由自动气压计记录或与之有关。

    Relating to or registered by a barograph .

  30. 气压计下降显示暴风雨正逐渐逼近。

    A falling barometer denotes an approaching storm .