
  • 网络climatic element;climate elements;climate factor
  1. 之后对剔除结构性分量后的残差进行详细的空间内插分析和模型比较,最后形成本区域空间分布式气候要素模型。

    Then , we conducted spatial analyses and model comparisons of the residues after removals of the structural components . Finally , the spatially-distributed climate factor models for the study area were constructed .

  2. EOF方法恢复历史气候要素场的研究

    The study on reconstructing past climatic element fields by using EOF analysis

  3. 柳杉树轮δ~(13)C与气候要素的分析与应用

    Relationship Between δ ~ ( 13 ) C in Tree Rings Cellulose and Climatic Factors

  4. 运用GIS技术和寻乌县1∶5万的DEM数据将气候要素值计算到寻乌县地图网格点上,并结合寻乌县TM遥感影像数据和GPS考察数据,对寻乌脐橙种植进行气候地形土壤综合区划。

    And using the GIS technique and 1 ∶ 50000 DEM data , the climatic value of division indexes was computed onto Xunwu map 's grid .

  5. 气候要素日照Q,积温∑~t、降水R与水稻产量的复相关系数达到显著或极显著水准。

    The coefficient of multiple correlation between the climatic elements-Sun shine Q , Accumlated temperature ∑ t and Rainfall R , and rice yield reached remarkable or quite remarkable level .

  6. GIS技术和数据在气候要素精细化估算和可视化方面的作用强大,并有待更好更深入的开发和利用。

    The function of GIS technology and GIS data was powerful in the refining estimation of climate elements and visualization . In addition , GIS technology and GIS data needed to be better further development and utilization .

  7. 进而,利用禹城站的常规气象观测数据为输入文件,采用SHAW模型(theSimultaneousHeatandWaterModel)模拟玉米冠层中的以下因素:小气候要素、能量平衡、冠层温度、土壤温度以及冠层表面辐射。

    The , using the measured meteorological data in Yucheng , the SHAW ( the simultaneous Heat and Water ) model was used to simulate the following factors : microclimate variables , energy balance , canopy and soil temperature , and surface radiation .

  8. 近50a冬小麦的各气候要素适应度均在其均值附近波动,并存在微弱增长趋势。

    The three climate elements of adaption degree were waving near the mean and there was a weak growth trend .

  9. 考虑坡度、坡向等地形要素,比过去仅考虑经纬度、海拔利用GIS分析气候要素更能反映山区光资源分布及它的气候特点。

    Some terrain factors such as gradient and slope direction were taken into account other than longitude , latitude , altitude , and analyzed the climatic elements by GIS compared with the past , thus the sunlight resource and its characteristics in mountain area can be displayed well .

  10. 为了将气象信息与地理信息紧密结合起来,用构建数学模型的方法,建立起气候要素与地理信息的GIS空间分析模型,分析气候要素的空间分布特征。

    In order to combine weather information with geographical information together closely , the paper uses the method of structuring mathematics model to set up the key element of climate and GIS spatial analyze models to analyze the spatial distribution characteristic of the key element of the climate .

  11. 因此,在目前气候要素之一的多年平均的地表反照率研究较少的情况下,利用多年平均NCEPNCAR再分析资料与土地利用类型图进行回归处理不失为是一种相对合理的方法。

    Therefore , with few studies of monthly mean surface albedo , the method presented in this study is relatively rational to estimate monthly mean surface albedo by using NCEP / NCAR reanalysis radiation data and land use cover map .

  12. 通过对DeST随机气象模型数据的逐步回归分析得到了影响显著的气候要素,并提出了采暖空调系统能耗预测用室外气候预测参数的条件。

    In this paper , the DeST stochastic meteorological model data is used to the stepwise regression analysis to get the significant climate elements , and proposing outdoor climate parameters for heating air-conditioning energy consumption prediction .

  13. 根据山西省108个气象站7个生态气候要素近30a的气象资料,应用PCA对山西玉米种植区进行排序研究,并进行了生态气候区划。

    Based on the analysis of 7 climate factors of meteorological data for 30 years from 108 meteorological stations in Shanxi , the ordination and regionalization of corn-growing regions in Shanxi were studied by principal component analysis ( PCA ) and GIS .

  14. 试验结果表明,下垫面植被状况的改变对云南气候要素值的影响非常明显,这种影响一般在近地面至700hPa之间;

    The results indicate that the change of vegetative distribution has marked effect on Yunnan 's climatic elements and it mainly influence from surface to 700 hPa .

  15. Schulz谱分析表明年层厚度曲线和年总灰度曲线的主要周期相同,从而说明这2个指标所反映的是同一个气候要素。

    Besides , Schulz 's red noise spectrum analysis shows that the two proxies have the same cycles . From the above author draws a conclusion that both the layer thickness and ATG probably reflect the same climatic factor .

  16. 收集黄土高原区域近40a各主要气候要素变化资料并利用Petitt方法计算变点,滑动t检验气候变点或转折点,以分析判断黄土高原对全球气候变化响应的敏感性及敏感区域。

    The response sensitivity of climate in Loess Plateau in China to global change was investigated with the meteorological data during the recent 40 years , and the marked change points were calculated by Petitt method , and checked by moving T-test .

  17. 青南高原树轮年表的建立及与气候要素的关系

    Tree-Ring Chronology in Southern Qinghai and Its Relation to Climatic Element

  18. 局地不同土地覆被类型对气候要素的影响研究

    Local Scale Impacts of Different Land Cover Types on Climatic Factors

  19. 新疆区域气候要素小网格推算方法探讨

    The Method of Calculating Xinjiang 's Climatic Factors in Small Grid

  20. 中国近30年气候要素时空变化特征

    Spatio-temporal patterns of climatic change in China in recent 30 years

  21. 气候要素时空变异分析。

    Results in spatial and temporal variation analysis of climate elements .

  22. 山地气候要素空间分布的模拟

    Simulation of the distribution of climatic elements in Mountainous Areas

  23. 气候要素适宜度的综合研究&农业气候适宜度模型的建立;

    ( b ) the model of agro-climate subordinate-degree has been established ;

  24. 基于地统计方法的气候要素空间插值研究

    A Study on Spatial Interpolation Methods for Climate Variables Based on Geostatistics

  25. 青海湖水位变化与湖区气候要素的相关分析

    Correlations between modern climatic factors and lake level change in Qinghai Lake

  26. 在哀牢山北部常绿阔叶林林窗同样存在小气候要素的空间分布动态位移现象;

    Spatial distribution of micro-climate factor shows the phenomena about dynamic displacement ;

  27. 中国地面气候要素图形分析业务系统

    Research on Graphics Analysis Operational System of Surface Climatic Elements in China

  28. 山东省霾日时空变化特征及其与气候要素的关系

    Spatial-Temporal Variations of Hazes in Shandong Province and Its Relationship with Climate Elements

  29. 气候要素空间数据库创建。

    Result in spatial database establishment of climate elements .

  30. 植被对云南气候要素影响的敏感性试验

    Sensitivity Experiment for Effect of Vegetative Distribution on Climatic Elements in Yunnan Province