- cyclone;low

[cyclone] 绕一个低气压中心旋转的风暴或气流系统
The cyclone has resulted in many thousands of deaths .
The big ship Eastern Star with 458 people sank in the Yangtze River after being caught in a strong cyclone at 21:28 , June 1 .
The anticyclone weather situations are more favorable than the cyclonic ones .
Middle-latitude cyclones originate at the popar front .
Application of SVG to Graphic Service for Tropical Cyclone Information
After the anti-cyclonic center to the east of the Philippines moves to130 ° - 145 ° E , diabatic heating vertical change plays a major role in its maintenance .
Up until the years following the arrival of Planet X into the inner solar system in2003 , certain parts of the world were exempt from hurricane or cyclone activity .
Insurers have complained that they face billions of dollars of extra losses after US authorities declared superstorm Sandy a post-tropical cyclone rather than a hurricane .
This paper analyses the cause and evolution of the inner and outer asymmetric structures .
An operational forecast system of tropical cyclone track by means of ECMWF products
Analysis show that the tropical cyclones which influence Fujian are fewer in El Nino years and more in La Nina years then normal .
But an anticyclonic and warm eddy occurs in area east of the Kuroshio at Section PN in other months , especially , is strongest in October .
Anyway , the model still showed the re-intensification process after TOM 's downgrade from tropical storm to extratropical cyclone , demonstrating the 3 dimensional thermodynamic and dynamic structure characteristics during TOM 's transformation .
The key of cyclone generation is the cooperation of the Alps and the meridianal flow which perpendicular to the Alps .
The Meiyu cloud band is associated with an anticyclonic wind belt with mid-latitude westerlies to the north and subtropical easterlies to the south .
Interrelation between the Tropical Cyclon action and the types of the rain band in summer in China as well as the action of ENSO
With the support of GIS , the thesis has a discovering research on two problems , Tropical Cyclone source spatial distribution pattern and Tropical Cyclone path similarity , which are most valuable for the forecast of Tropical Cyclone .
The relationship of heat content in the tropical Northwest Pacific , South China Sea and the movement of tropical cyclone which generated in these oceans was analysed .
The simulative sea level pressure of four CPSs showed large difference , in which the GR scheme had better simulated the high , low systems and mesoscale cyclone .
There is a cyclonic circulation system near and north of Section N2 . In the next place , there is a not wide scope of the anti cyclonic circulation southeast of Hainan Island .
At that time , the FB Channel inflow increases , so the anticlockwise circulation in the GIN seas will be strengthened . Thus the positive barotropic effect for overflow increases .
Montgomery and Kallenbach proposed that the propagation of vortex Rossby waves may intensify the tropical cyclone , this new physical mechanism has been widely studied .
The tropical cyclones forecasting operational system in Liaoning province and its forecasting results in the year of2005 were introduced based on MM5 in this paper .
On the contrary , over the extratropical positive SSTA , positive height and temperature anomalies . and a strong anomalous anticyclonic circulation appear .
There are 419 records of wind speed caused by 8 tropical cyclones in shore of the South China Sea in 1988 , comparing the 419 records and the corresponding forecast value , the mean absolute error is 2.04 m / s.
The effect of atmospheric intra-seasonal low-frequency oscillation ( 30-50 day ) during the period from May to October , 1980 on tropical cyclone tracks are analysed .
Then , a forecasting model for annual and seasonal numbers of tropical cyclone affecting Fujian is proposed using the original idea and its implement algorithm of projection pursuit regression ( PPR ) .
If a central pressure of 960 hPa is selected as the demarcation between strong and weak TCs , the mean track error reductions for the 11 strong TCs range from 13 % at 12 h to over 20 % after 12 h.
2 ) The high dense water ( HDW ) with a cold water is occurred in the region south of Cheju Island between 125 ° 30 ′ E and 127 ° E at Sections D and C. The circulation in the region of HDW is cyclonic .
APO is significantly and positively correlated to the tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific , with the correlation coefficients being 0.47 and 0.33 respectively for non-detrended and detrended time series during 1949 ~ 2005 , both exceeding the 95 % significance level .