
zhí mín huà
  • colonize
  • colonization
  1. 宇宙殖民化问题;

    The question to colonize the cosmic space ;

  2. 在移动到下一个卫星之前要殖民化这个卫星到两千五百万殖民者。

    Colonize the planets to 25 million colonists before moving on to the next planet .

  3. 有些民间团体称EPA为「再殖民化」,因为它对非洲的要求简直令人震惊,欧盟「回来再剥削我们(非洲)的资源」。

    What an EPA requires of Africa is so astounding that civil society groups have called it a " re-colonisation " with the EU " coming back to deplete our ( African ) resources " .

  4. 由于野草在殖民化过程中体现出较强的鲁棒性、自适应性和随机性,因此IWO算法的执行框架尽量模仿野草的殖民化进程。

    IWO is inspired from the invasive and colonizing characteristics of weeds , which tries to imitate the robustness , adaptation and randomness embodied by weeds during the colonizing process .

  5. 美国在战后东南亚非殖民化过程中的政策

    American Policies in the process of Postwar Decolonization in Southeast Asia

  6. 到了1968年,在非殖民化之后,联合国有了126个成员。

    By 1968 , after decolonisation , it had 126 members .

  7. 英国的非殖民化经历了四个阶段。

    The decolonization of the British Empire experienced four stages .

  8. 从历史上看,当年欧洲强国通过殖民化和奴隶制解决了这一难题。

    Historically , European powers solved this dilemma through colonisation and slavery .

  9. 非殖民化秘书处事务处海事分处〔海事处〕

    Decolonization Secretariat Services Branch marine office [ Marine Department ]

  10. 转型国家与美国的战略联合国与非殖民化

    The United Nations Transforming Nations and the U.S. Strategy

  11. 联合国关于非殖民化的机制与实践

    On the mechanism and practice of decolonization by UN

  12. 关于非洲彻底非殖民化和消除种族隔离制度的哈拉雷宣言

    Harare Declaration on the Total Decolonization of Africa and the Elimination of Apartheid

  13. 作为手段的法律上加速了生活世界的殖民化。

    Law functioning as means has accelerated the " life world colonization " .

  14. 殖民化对殖民地人民产生了巨大的影响。

    Colonization exercises great influences on the colonized people .

  15. 种族主义、种族歧视、种族隔离和非殖民化问题特别委员会

    Special Committee on Racism , Racial Discrimination , Apartheid and Decolonization ethnic group

  16. 论大洋洲的殖民化及新西兰近代的改革

    Colonization of Oceania and Modern Reform of New Zealand

  17. 本文认为,1956年苏丹的独立只是确立了民族国家的基本形式,作为一个去殖民化国家,它还面临着民族国家构建的艰巨任务。

    As a de-colonization state , it faces the arduous task of nation-state building .

  18. 我们的大学教育和大学生活正在经历着深刻的文化殖民化过程。

    The education and life in our university are experiencing a deeply colonial process .

  19. 联合国非洲非殖民化特别委员会

    United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization of Africa

  20. 关于津巴布韦和纳米比亚非殖民化的最后文件

    Final Document on Decolonization of Zimbabwe and Namibia

  21. 论苏珊·桑塔格的非殖民化倾向苏珊·桑塔格批评思想研究

    On the Decolonization Tendency of Susan Sontag The Study of Susan Sontag 's Critical Theory

  22. 反对种族隔离、非殖民化和巴勒斯坦方案科

    Anti-Apartheid , Decolonization and Palestine Programmes Sectio

  23. 同时,殖民化也是殖民者对被殖民者优越性的产物。

    Meanwhile , colonization is also a product of colonizers ' superiority over the colonized .

  24. 独立后的非洲高校学生事务:从殖民化到本土化的发展

    Student Affairs in African Colleges and Universities since Independence : Developing from Colonization to Localization

  25. 二元型殖民地是殖民化中形成的三种主要类型的殖民地之一。

    The dual-element colonies was one of the three major categories of colonies formed during colonization .

  26. 教会的传教活动,产生了大体积极的影响,同时也加深了地方社会的半殖民化程度。

    The missionary work played largely a positive role , meanwhile deepened semi-colonization of the society .

  27. 试析非殖民化理论

    On the Theory of Decolonization

  28. 日本已就战时朝鲜半岛殖民化问题向韩国提交了另一份致歉书。

    Japan has offered another apology to South Korea for its war-time colonisation of the Korean peninsula .

  29. 简言之,亚洲传统的土地所有制结构在欧洲殖民化之前早就在农村村社周围形成了。

    Briefly , the traditional Asian agrarian structure before European colonization was organized around the village community .

  30. 过去我们为非殖民化而战。

    We fought for decolonization .