
  • 网络modern world system;the modern world-system
  1. 现代世界体系理论及其当代价值

    The Theory of " Modern World System " and Its Contemporary Value

  2. 中国也顺应现代世界体系的发展趋势发展着。

    China also complies with the trend of thedevelopment of the modern world system .

  3. 恩格斯与现代世界体系理论

    Engels and Theories of Modern World System

  4. 最后,沃勒斯坦对进步观的批判,从物质和精神两方面入手,向现代世界体系这一核心的文化观提出了挑战。

    Finally , Wallerstein takes a challenge to the core cultural view of Modern World System .

  5. 在时间上,现代世界体系的动态性表现为长期趋势和周期节奏。

    Whereas in respect of time , the dynamic characteristics of modern world - system displays secular trends and the cyclical rhythms .

  6. 沃勒斯坦和现代世界体系理论受到一些学者的尖锐批评,这促进了世界体系理论的衍化和重构。

    Wallerstein and modern world system theory are sharply criticized by some scholars , which impels world system theory to develop and reconstruct .

  7. 在两个重要问题上,现代世界体系理论没有马克思主义认识得那样深刻、准确。

    But the author points out that in two aspects the theory of modern world system is not as profound and accurate as that of Marxism .

  8. 帝国主义时代国际社会的冲突表现为跨国垄断集团之间的角斗。现代世界体系的冲突以反体系运动为主。

    The manifestation of imperialist international society is seen in the wrestle among transnational monopolies and the conflicts of modern world system are basically a counter-system movement .

  9. 以沃勒斯坦为代表的现代世界体系论者强调从两个角度静态和动态来考察世界体系。

    Scholars of modern world system theory , represented by Wallerstein , hold that world system should be explored from two angles : intact state and dynamic state .

  10. 《现代世界体系》是当今西方“世界体系”理论的主要代表人物伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦的代表性学术著作。

    The Modern World system , written by Innanoel Wallerstein the main representative of the theory of " world system " in the West , is his academic masterpiece .

  11. 技术与资本的共谋塑造了现代世界体系,导致了全球风险社会,现代性的种种特征也都可以在这种共谋中找到根源。

    Conspiracy of technology and capital formed the modern world system , and resulted in global risk society . Roots of varied modernity features can be found from this conspiracy .

  12. 现代世界体系正处于结构性危机之中,人类社会已经进入变革时代,即一个分岔和混乱时期。

    The modern world system is in a structural crisis , and we have entered an " age of transition ," that is , a period of bifurcation and chaos .

  13. 因此,本文将另辟蹊径,以现代世界体系之中的东方中国所处的政治经济环境作为宏观语境,从东方学等角度考察版权贸易逆差问题,从而为全球传播研究提供东方本土经验。

    Therefore , this paper will put the deficit problem under the current political and economic environment within the modern world system , striving to support the eastern experience to global communication study .

  14. 静态是指现代世界体系的结构,其经济结构分为中心、半边缘和边缘,其政治结构是由民族国家构成的国际体系。

    Intact state means the structure of modern world system . It 's economic structure is divided into core , semi-periphery and periphery . It 's political structure means international system made up of nation-states .

  15. 在空间上,现代世界体系是由中心、半边缘和边缘三个经济区域构成的世界经济或是由民族国家构成的国际体系;

    In respect of space , modern world - system is constitutive of world economy ( including the center , the semi - edge and the edge ) or international system ( consisting of national countries );

  16. 现代世界体系是一个由中心区、半边缘区、边缘区构成的,现在已经囊括全球,各主权国家相互依赖、相互竞争的共同体。

    The modern world system is composed of a central area , half fringe area , fringe area , now it expand to the whole globe . A community with all dominion countries ' interdependence and mutual competition .

  17. 美国当代著名社会学家沃勒斯坦批判地继承了西方资本主义经典现代化理论、依附论的思想,创造性地提出了一套完整的现代世界体系理论。

    As a famous contemporary American sociologist , Wallerstein critically inherits the western capitalism classic modernization theories and the Dependency Theory , at the same time he also creatively puts forward a complete set theories of Modern World System .

  18. 西方社会科学是随着资本主义发展而产生的一种地缘文化,是维护现代世界体系中处于霸权地位的西方中心国家利益的认知符号体系。

    The social sciences of the West is a local culture developing with the development of capitalism and a cognitive system of signs for maintaining the interests of the main Western countries with their hegemony in the modern world system .

  19. 文章首先详细分析了全球经济一体化过程中,东方国家尤其是中国在现代世界体系里是如何被定位和建构的。

    The thesis carries out the detailed analysis on how eastern country especially China is positioned or established in the modern world system , illuminating the context of macro political and economic relationship which china faces during the increasing economic globalization .

  20. 现代世界经济体系中,一国货币会因其综合国力增强而逐步走向国际化;

    In the economic system of present world , a nation 's money will be internationalized because of the nation 's increasing comprehensive national power .

  21. 现代意义上的民族,源自现代世界体系的政治建构。

    The morden ethno-nations derive from the political structure of modern world system .