
  1. 人无信不立,市无信则乱,国无信不兴。重建社会诚信文化是社会主义现代化建设的题中应有之义。

    Credit culture of society is the basis of the socialist modernization .

  2. 人无信不立,政无信不兴。

    The person does not stand without trust . , the government without integrity has no prestige .

  3. 人无信不立,个人作为社会经济活动中的最小单元,个人资信是整个社会资信体系的基础,没有个人资信就谈不上企业资信、政府资信和国家资信。

    People are the smallest unit of society economy . Personal credit is the foundation of the whole Society credit system , without which there is no national government credit or enterprise credit .