
zhèng tīng
  • main hall;the hall in the middle;stall
正厅 [zhèng tīng]
  • (1) [the hall in the middle]∶正当中的厅堂

  • (2) [stall]∶剧场中舞台正面的部分

正厅[zhèng tīng]
  1. “太好了,太好了,”聚集在正厅的该党工作人员反复喊着。

    ' Bravo , bravo , ' chanted party workers crowded in the main hall .

  2. 我越是看见正厅的女孩们熟练地准备特别的菜肴。

    The more I see the main hall girls expertly getting special dishes .

  3. 我们是坐楼座还是正厅前排的座位?

    Are we going to sit in the circle or in the stalls ?

  4. 正厅第一排

    the front row of the stalls

  5. 走进新大楼后,利夫舒茨就指着位于正厅的老舞台区对我们说:性手枪乐队(SexPistols)曾在此演出。

    When we enter the new building , Lifschutz points out the old stage in the atrium where the Sex Pistols once played .

  6. 踏进餐厅,小甜甜布兰妮的“Everytime”这首歌正在偌大的正厅里播放着,我的耳朵立刻被这首歌前奏中竖琴的琴声给吸引了。

    Upon entering , my ears immediately latched onto the catchy harp introduction of Britney Spears 's " Everytime " pumping into the gargantuan main room .

  7. 由玻璃幕墙围成的新艺术陈列区十分宽敞,可以俯瞰大楼正厅以及Ray’sjazzcafé咖啡厅,看来Foyles书店以及它聘请的建筑师竭尽全力想要利夫舒茨设计的新书店成为奇迹成就之地。

    With a spacious glass-walled new gallery overlooking the atrium and the reinstatement of Ray 's jazz caf é , Foyles and the architects have made every effort to make this Lifschutz 's place where things can happen .

  8. 有人刚刚退来两张第二场的正厅票。

    Somebody just returned two stall tickets for the second show .

  9. 我在正厅有一个好位子。

    I have got a good seat in the stalls .

  10. 我想要4张正厅后排的票。

    I 'd like four seats in the rear stalls .

  11. 我是买楼上的厅座还是买正厅前排的座位?

    Shall I get seats in the circle or in the stalls ?

  12. 我宁可坐楼厅不坐正厅前排。

    I 'd rather sit in the circle than in the stalls .

  13. 我们有今晚音乐会的正厅前座的位子。

    We 've got seats in the orchestra for tonight 's concert .

  14. 我突然看见她在正厅头排座位上。

    I suddenly noticed her in the front row of the stalls .

  15. 这是两张正厅后排的座票。

    Here are two seats in the rear stalls .

  16. 所有迈锡尼的宫殿都有这种正厅,住宅中也采用。

    The megaron was found in all Mycenaean palaces and also in houses .

  17. 你是喜欢正厅前排的座位还是喜欢花楼的座位?

    Do you like seats in the stalls or in the dress circle ?

  18. 我的座号是正厅第10排2号。

    My seat number is Row 10 , No. 2 in the stall .

  19. 顶层楼是指位置比较高的座位也可以指正厅上面的包厢。

    A gallery is a high seating area or balcony above the main floor .

  20. 在正厅前排还有些座位,但它们相当贵。

    There are some seats left in the stalls but they 're quite expensive .

  21. 除了正厅后座外所有的票都已订完了。

    Everything is booked except the rear stalls .

  22. 大牛,这里就是孙氏宗祠的正厅了。

    Daniel , this is the central hall of he Sun family ancestral temple .

  23. 正厅前排有票吗?

    Is there anything in the front stall ?

  24. 该公司是中国烟草总公司的全资子公司,正厅级中央驻鲁国有大型企业。

    The company is a National Tobacco Corporation wholly owned by China National Tobacco Corporation .

  25. 我们在正厅前排有座位。

    We have seats in the stalls .

  26. 你要什么座?厅座,正厅弧形座,还是楼座?

    Where would you like the seats ? Stalls , grand circle , or circle ?

  27. 正厅后座上有些女人放声大笑。她们的声音极其尖锐和不协调。

    Some women were laughing in the pit . Their voices were horribly shrill and discordant .

  28. 从我们所在的正厅位子上,你能看到她脸上的每根皱纹。

    From where we are in the orchestra , you can see every wrinkle on her face .

  29. 教堂中的一部分,且与正厅隔以柱列者。

    Part of a church divided laterally from the nave proper by rows of pillars or columns .

  30. 剧场正厅座位剧院正厅中乐池与楼方锯厢下的部位之间的部分。

    The part of the main floor of a theater between the orchestra pit and the parquet circle .