- 网络Normalized state;NBK

The results show that , in the as-cast condition the effect of Mo on the increasing of hardness is not as obvious as that of Cr , Cu-Cr and SPI inoculant ; in the normalized condition , the effects of Mo and Cu-Cr on hardness are all outstanding .
The results show that the BE in the luders region is larger than that in the workhardening region on stress-strain curves in the normalized low carbon Mn-V steel , but none of the tension-compression stress strain curves in the luders region exhibits permanent softening .
The results indicated that the dual phase steels possessing initial structure of as-forged have a lower ductility but higher strength than dual phase steel possessing initial structure of as-normalized .
After being treated by the method mentioned above , the bending fatigue strength of the nodular cast iron crankshaft is increased by 45-70 % in comparison with those in normalized condition . The wearing resistance of the treated crankshaft is improved notably ;
By means of experimentation , the paper studies the effects of steel 45 on the impacts toughness under the state of being hot rolled , normalized , hardened and tempered through salt-bath nitriding and analyses the cause of valve stem brittle fracture .