
  1. 我们正唱着pharrell的热歌《getlucky》

    And ... we were singsing Pharrell 's hit song ' get lucky ' .

  2. 她正唱着要把吊灯震落呢!

    She is singing to bring down the chandelier !

  3. 我在想,这是1959年,这孩子正唱着一首有关大篷车的歌。

    I think it's1959 , and this boy 's singing songs about the boxcar ?

  4. 她正唱着一个轻快的曲调。

    She is singing a supple tune .

  5. 你金嗓子正唱着雄浑的交响曲,而我则是一个忠实的听众。

    You were compositing vigorous and firm symphonies in beautiful tone , and I was your loyal listener .

  6. 在这里他们去了一所石头房子,它离所有的小镇和村庄都很远。房子里一个老头和一个老太太同他们的孩子们一起正唱着圣诞颂歌。

    Here they visited a small stone house , a long way from any town or village , where an old man and woman were singing Christmas carols , with their children and grandchildren .

  7. 他正练习唱那首歌。

    He is practising singing the new song .

  8. 侯爵卧室那饱经风霜的巨大窗户的窗棂上一只小鸟正竭尽全力唱出最甜美的歌。

    The carol of the birds was loud and high , and , on the weather-beaten sill of the great window of the bedchamber of Monsieur the Marquis , one little bird sang its sweetest song with all its might .

  9. 不会,其实我正希望你唱

    No. I was actually hoping that you 'd sing .

  10. 有些人正做着运动,有些人正唱着国歌。

    Someone is doing exercise , someone is singing the nation song .

  11. 有人正为你准备茶,水壶正唱一支歌,朋友将为你而来,为你吹笛子!

    Someone is preparing the tea for you , water jog is singing a song , friends will come just fluting heref or you !