
zhènɡ bā biān xínɡ
  • regular octagon
  1. 设F8(x)为一个中心在原点、边心距为x的正八边形。

    For a regular octagon F_8 ( x ) centred at the origin and with a central distance x from the centre to its sides , the paper has proved the following theorem .

  2. 它们有些像桌子上的撞球,桌子不是长方形的,但仍然是多边形,比如说正八边形。

    They are related to billiards on tables that are not rectangular but still polygonal , like the regular octagon .

  3. 风电场正八边形扩展基础地基基底反力的计算原理与方法

    Principle and method for calculation of reaction of the octagonal spread foundation bed for wind farm

  4. 正八边形内整点问题圆内开缝八边形自然对流换热的数值分析

    On the Number of Lattice Points in a Regular Octagon Numerical Analysis of Natural Convection in a Cylindrical Envelope with an Internal Concentric Slotted Octagon