
  • 网络Melilla;Melilia
  1. 梅利利亚侧的边界带长约7英里(约15千米),休达一侧长约5英里(约8千米)。

    The Melilla barrier is approximately seven miles long , and the Cueta approximately five .

  2. 当黑夜降临在梅利利亚的收留中心时,一小组一小组的移民开始排队等待着食物。

    As darkness falls at Melilla 's holding centre , small groups of migrants begin to queue for food .

  3. 梅利利亚和休达是摩洛哥海沿岸的两个西班牙飞地。

    These two cities are Spanish enclaves along the Moroccan coast .

  4. 欧盟则指望着能通过对梅利利亚-休达地区提供资金支持,以达到阻止该地区不法活动的目的。

    The European Union aided in the funding in the hope that it would deter illegal activity .

  5. 我方在梅利利亚的记者克里斯·莫里斯说欧洲南部边境处于包围之中并不奇怪。

    Chris Morris , in Melilla , says it 's no surprise that Europe 's southern frontiers are under siege .

  6. 尽管摩洛哥从未承认过梅利利亚和休达的主权独立,甚至还发表官方声明声称这两个自由市是属于摩洛哥的领土,但它们确实是非洲大陆上仅剩的隶属欧盟管辖的领土。

    It 's the only land in Africa fully governed by a European nation , although Morocco has never recognized the independence of these two cities and has formally stated that both belong to them .