
  • 网络durban;Durban Stadium;DUBAN
  1. 联合国(un)在南非德班举行的气候大会,很可能在争吵中不了了之。

    The United Nations climate conference in Durban , South Africa , is likely to be a fractious and unsuccessful affair .

  2. 当时微软的财务总监彼得•克莱因也对Skype的成就多有耳闻,于是在今年四月与德班进行了接洽。微软的手机软件业务还处在襁褓阶段,正是四处物色强援的时候。

    Peter Klein , Microsoft 's chief financial officer , had been hearing the chatter and reached out to Durban in April .

  3. 不过,美国国务院发言人罗伯特伍德(robertwood)表示,周末前拟定的最终稿件还是肯定了2001年德班会议有争议的宣言,对此华盛顿仍不满意。

    However , Robert Wood , State Department spokesman , said Washington remained unhappy that the final text , put out before the weekend , still reaffirmed the controversial declaration of the 2001 Durban meeting .

  4. 德班表示,这两年里他差不多把一半的时间都花在了跟Skype有关的事务上,重点放在为Skype引入新的管理层。

    Durban , who says he spent about half his time over two years on Skype matters , focused on bringing in new management .

  5. (约什•西尔弗曼自从eBay时代就是Skype的CEO了,直到去年仍然留任)于是德班联系了时任思科(Cisco)高级主管的托尼•贝茨。

    ( Josh Silverman , who was the CEO of Skype when it was a unit of eBay , had stayed on . ) Durban contacted Tony Bates , a senior executive at Cisco ( CSCO ) .

  6. 以色列商人伊兰佩里(ilanperry)被指控策划在德班一家顶尖医院里安排了至少100次非法肾脏交易。

    Ilan Perry , a Israeli businessman , has been charged with masterminding a syndicate that arranged at least 100 illegal kidney swaps at a top Durban hospital .

  7. 美国国务院遗憾地表示,决定不参加这次会议。会议旨在审议自8年前举行的南非德班(Durban)峰会以来,国际间在消除种族歧视和仇外行为方面的进展。

    The US state department said that with regret it would not be joining the meeting to review international progress on combating racism and xenophobia in the eight years since a summit in Durban , South Africa .

  8. 到2010年秋天,也就是德班和安德里森收购Skype一年之后,Skype的用户人数已经从一年前的4亿增长到了6亿,而且其视频通话功能的使用率也在上升。

    By the fall of 2010 , just a year after the buyout , Skype was surging : users had climbed to 600 million from about 400 million a year earlier & and it saw rising usage of its video calling services .

  9. 这篇名为“德班会议之后农业该何去何从?”的文章发表在《自然》杂志上,英国首席科学家顾问JohnBeddington带领的国际小组撰写了这篇文章,希望能影响决策者。

    The article " What Next for Agriculture After Durban ? " appeared in the journal Science . Britain 's chief scientific adviser , Sir John Beddington , led the international team that wrote it to try to influence policy makers .

  10. “南非3/4的结核病患者也感染了艾滋病。”南非德班的南非艾滋病研究中心(CAPRISA)主任SalimKarim说。

    " Three quarters of all TB patients in South Africa are HIV positive ," says Salim Karim , director of the Centre for AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa ( CAPRISA ) based in Durban , South Africa .

  11. 德班的一个高级法院已正式取消指控。

    A high court in Durban formally withdrew the charges .

  12. 2007年11月25日,世界杯预选赛在德班举行。

    Durban hosted the Preliminary Draw on 25 November 2007 .

  13. 金砖国家将就德班会议加强合作。

    The BRICS will intensify cooperation on the Durban conference .

  14. 德班峰会达成的协议有三大主要支柱。

    The deal thrashed out in Durban rests on three main pillars .

  15. 因为在德班有一个很大的穆斯林群体。

    Because there 's a large Muslim commumity im durbam .

  16. 千禧塔,德班,夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省,南非

    Millenium tower , durban , kwazulu-natal , South Africa

  17. 五个国家将在德班召开金砖国家峰会。

    Those meetings will be taking place at the BRICS summit in Durban .

  18. ――2000年7月14日于南非德班的艾滋病会议上

    - AIDS conference in Durban , South Africa , July 14 , 2000

  19. 恩科西是2000年在德班举行的第十三届世界爱滋病大会上的一个焦点人物。

    Nkosi was the star of the13th International AIDS Conference in Durban in2000 .

  20. 第五届金砖国家峰会在南非德班开幕。

    The fifth BRICS summit has now opened in Durban , South Africa .

  21. 德班,开普敦,伊丽莎白港。

    Durban , Cape Town , Port Elizabeth .

  22. 通过你的眼睛用心灵去感受,德班橱柜是您的首选!

    Through your eyes feel with your heart , Dcarpenter is your best choice .

  23. 德班,一个融合了世界多元文化的城市,是纳塔尔省最大的城市。

    The City of Durban , or Ethekwini , is a place of fusion .

  24. 欧洲在德班峰会上起到了关键作用。

    Europe played a vital role in Durban .

  25. 潘基文在德班宣言及行动纲领十周年纪念仪式上,发表谈话。

    He spoke on the 10th anniversary of the Durban Declaration and Program of Action .

  26. 不过,尽管存在这些局限,德班协议仍确立了一个重要原则。

    Yet , despite these caveats , the Durban deal has set an important principle .

  27. 德班是一个港口城市,并且是非洲最繁忙的港口。

    Durban , which is also a port city , is the busiest port in Africa .

  28. 在南非德班举行的最新一轮谈判,迄今在逆转局面方面几乎没有进展。

    The latest round of talks in Durban has so far done little to reverse this .

  29. 德国队中场球员巴斯蒂安施魏因施泰格也希望在德班的球场上看见教练穿着这件蓝毛衣。

    Germany midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger also hoped to see his coach wearing it at Durban Stadium .

  30. 德班同时还是探索两个被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产的景点的基地。

    The city is also a good base from which to explore two UNESCO World Heritage sites .