
méi dú
  • syphilis;verole
梅毒 [méi dú]
  • [syphilis] 一种慢性传染性疾病,后天患者 95%由性交引起,先天者由孕妇传给胎儿,病原体为梅毒螺旋体,临床病程分三期,持续多年,可侵害许多器官和组织

梅毒[méi dú]
  1. 婚后没几天就染上了梅毒。

    Syphilis developed a few days after the wedding .

  2. 医生将检查艾滋病,梅毒,乙肝B以保护婴儿。

    Doctors to look for HIV , syphilis , hepatitis B to protect babies .

  3. Trust试验在孕产妇梅毒筛查中的运用与评价

    The Trust Experiment Application with Evaluation in the Gestation Women Syphilis Examination

  4. 荧光PCR技术检测梅毒螺旋体DNA的意义

    Application value of FQ-PCR for detection of treponema pallidum DNA

  5. 方法采用TRUST和ELISA法检测梅毒抗体。

    Methods The anti - syphilis were detected by ELISA and Trust .

  6. 目的探讨先天性梅毒婴儿的中枢神经系统CT特征。

    Objective To investigate the CT features of the central nervous system in congenital syphilis infant .

  7. 二期梅毒患者的全血标本用于梅毒螺旋体DNA提取及分型,阳性率较高。

    Whole blood from untreated secondary syphilis patients had a higher positive rate for Treponema pallidum DNA .

  8. ELISA在梅毒检测中的价值

    The Value of ELISA in the Examination of Syphilis

  9. 方法:对8例不同孕周患梅毒的孕妇抽取羊水用PCR方法检测梅毒螺旋体DNA;

    Methods : Amniocentesis and detect syphilis DNA by PCR were carried out on 8 pregnant syphilis patients ;

  10. 同时讨论了非青霉素制剂的情况和合并HIV(+)的梅毒患者的治疗。

    Preparations of non-penicillin and syphilis cases with HIV ( + ) were also discussed .

  11. 应用双抗原夹心ELISA法筛查献血员梅毒螺旋体抗体

    ELISA with Double Antigen Sandwich for Screening Speeific Serum Anti-TP Antibody in Blood Donors

  12. 95例药物滥用者HIV、HBV、HCV、梅毒血清检测报告

    Serum test of hiv , hbv , hcv and syphilis of 95 heroin abusers

  13. 目的:对梅毒甲苯胺红不加热血清试验(Trust试验)用于孕产妇梅毒筛查作出方法学评价,了解其灵敏度与准确性。

    Objective The Trust experiment to used for the gestation women syphilis check , Its intelligent degree is with the accuracy .

  14. 方法:采用免疫ELISA法检测2557例输血前患者血清梅毒螺旋体抗体。

    Methods 2557 cases were detected by using ELISA with double antigen sandwich before blood transfusion .

  15. 梅毒螺旋体IgM抗体蛋白印迹试验诊断新生儿胎传梅毒的探讨

    Diagnosis of Neonatal Congenital Syphilis with Treponema pallidum IgM Western Blot

  16. 方法婚检人员空腹静脉抽血,分别检测HIV抗体、梅毒抗体、HBV五项标志物。

    Methods Fast blood was taken to test Anti-HIV , anti-syphilis , and HBV ( five items ) .

  17. 目的建立双引物聚合酶链反应(PCR)用于同时快速检测梅毒螺旋体和单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ型。

    Objective To approach double-primer PCR assay for simultaneous detection of Herpes simplex virus ⅱ( HSV-2 ) and Treponema pallidum .

  18. 目的探讨受血者受血前HIV、HBV、HCV及梅毒重叠感染。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the co-infection of HIV , HCV , HBV and syphilis in recipients before transfusion .

  19. 2003~2005年济南市献血者梅毒、HCV、HIV感染状况调查

    Investigation of TP 、 HCV 、 HIV Infection among Blood Donors in Ji'nan City from 2003 to 2005

  20. 初筛未发现HIV阳性、梅毒等病例,但不应忽视对传染病的日常监测和预防宣传工作。

    By the way , emphasize the daily surveillance on HIV and Syphilis , do prevention propaganda should not be ignored .

  21. 性服务者HSVⅡ与HIV、梅毒、HBV及HCV交叉感染的流行病学调查

    Cross Infectious Epidemiological Study of HSV ⅱ, HIV , Syphilis , HBV and HCV in Female Sexual Servers

  22. 早期梅毒规范驱梅治疗后梅毒螺旋体IgM抗体的变化

    Change of Serum IgM Antibodies to Treponema pallidum ( Tp-IgM ) of Treated Early Syphilis

  23. IgM抗体诊断早期先天梅毒

    Laboratory diagnosis of early congenital syphilis

  24. 检测了51例临床标本,梅毒螺旋体暗视野显微镜检查阳性检出率为15.7%,双引物PCR阳性检出率为19.6%;

    51 clinical samples were detected by dark-field microscopy and a double-primer PCR , the positive rates were 15.7 % and 19.6 % , respectively .

  25. 目的评价基因重组抗原ELISA法在梅毒螺旋体抗体检测中的意义。

    Objective To evaluate an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) technique based on recombinant antigens for detection of antibodies against Treponema pallidum .

  26. 结论梅毒螺旋体(TP)进入体内后主要诱导CD11c+型DC表达,引发Th1反应,启动细胞免疫;

    Conclusions Treponema pallidum induced mainly the expression of CD11c ~ ( + ) DC and initiated cell-mediated immune response .

  27. 结论隐性梅毒患者的细胞免疫功能低下;外周血T细胞亚群对苄星青霉素G驱梅效果可能有重要影响,并对预测苄星青霉素G治疗隐性梅毒效果有重要意义。

    Conclusion Cellular immunity in patients with LS is more suppressive , and T lymphocyte subset could effect and evaluate the efficacy of Benzathine penicillin G for LS .

  28. 方法收集1995~2001年广东省HIV抗体阳性献血员资料进行分析,并进行HBV、HCV和梅毒血清学检测。

    Methods All blood samples of HIV positive blood donors from 1995 to 2001 were serologically screened for HBV , HCV and Syphilis .

  29. 方法应用梅毒血清学试验等方法对46例HIV阴性的这类梅毒患者的脑脊液进行梅毒抗体检测;

    Methods Treponemal antibody in CSF of 46 syphilitic with HIV negative were measured by syphilis serum test and compared with that of 5 neurosyphilis .

  30. 面对HIV和梅毒感染快速增长的现状,应加大宣传教育与防治力度,重视和支持自愿婚前体检。

    Considering the rapid increase of HIV and syphilis infections , education and preventive intervention should be strengthened and voluntary premarital examination should be promoted .