
  • 网络Mersenne prime;Mersenne
  1. 通过圆周率!计算和梅森素数搜索的实验证明,CGrid具有很好的可用性和较好的实时性。

    The tests of computation algorithm of and Mersenne Prime Search show that C_Grid is not only practical , but also real-time .

  2. 梅森素数分布研究是数学中的一大难题。

    A Stream Parallel Algorithm of the Mersenne Prime Search Problem ;

  3. 大互联网梅森素数寻求(GIMPS)研究计划进展

    Research Development of " Great Internet Mersenne Primes Search " Project

  4. 对梅森素数分布规律的一种猜想

    A guess at the distribution of Mersenne Primes

  5. 关于梅森素数分布性质的猜想

    A Conjecture at the Distribution of Mersenne Primes

  6. 梅森素数的分布规律

    The Distribution of Mersenne Primes

  7. 本文从已知的梅森素数出发,探讨梅森素数在自然数中的分布规律;

    The distribution of Mersenne primes ( Mp ) in the natural number system , based on the known Mp , is studied .

  8. 人类在研究与寻找完全数时得到结论:偶完全数与梅森素数是一一对应关系。

    When researching and looking for the perfect numbers , man found the conclusion about correspondence between the even perfect numbers and the Mersenne primes .

  9. 由于没有发现比这个数更小的新的梅森素数,所以“第40个已知的梅森素数”现在可以简称为“第40个梅森素数”了。

    Since no primes were found , the " 40th known Mersenne prime " can now be simply called the " 40th Mersenne prime " .