
  • 网络nuclear reactor material
  1. 核反应堆控制材料&B4C的研究

    Study of reactor control material-b_4c

  2. 金属铪是优异的核反应堆控制材料。

    Hafnium metal is excellent nuclear reactor control material .

  3. 可以用作核反应堆的冷却材料,有机合成的还原剂。

    It can be used as nuclear reactor cooling material and the reducing agent in organic synthesis .

  4. 更是制造火箭的点火极、激励极、喷嘴和舵板以及石墨核反应堆的减速材料和反射材料的绝好材料。

    Also is extremely good material for make a fire pole of the rocket , encourage the pole and spray the mouth with the rudder plank , and a deceleration materials and reflect materials in the graphite nuclear reactor .

  5. W型试样在核反应堆压力容器用材料的断裂韧度测试中具有良好的应用前景。

    The W-type specimen has a well prospective application in the measurement of fracture toughness of the materials which are used in the nuclear reactor .

  6. 锆合金以其独特的物理性能被广泛用于核反应堆堆芯结构材料,随着当前核电进一步向大功率、高燃耗发展,改善锆合金耐腐蚀性能便成为当务之急。

    Zirconium alloy is widely used to core structure material in nuclear power reactors because of special physics capability .

  7. 中印《联合宣言》发出了迄今最明确的信号,表示北京不会阻挠印美核协定。该协定对于印度来说具有重要意义,将为印度敞开核反应堆和铀材料方面的国际贸易大门。

    The joint statement gave the clearest sign yet that Beijing would not obstruct the groundbreaking Indo-US nuclear deal that will open the door for international trade with Delhi in reactors and uranium .