
  • 网络Nuclear Magnetic Logging;nml
  1. 核磁测井是当代唯一能够直接测量油层自由流体孔隙度的高技术。

    Nuclear magnetic logging is a high technology and only by which the free fluid porosity of an oil-bearing bed can be measured directly .

  2. 核磁测井资料的处理与解释是核磁测井技术的关键,也是其应用的难点所在。

    Nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ) logging data process and interpretation is the key to nuclear magnetic logging technology , but also the difficulty of the application .

  3. 核磁测井与实验室NMR研究的条件显著不同,要使核磁测井有足够的信噪比,关键问题是选择合适的磁场设计及测量方案。

    The environment of NML is quite different from that of NMR experiment in laboratory . In order to achieve the needed signal to noise ratio , the key point is to choose a suitable design scheme of magnetic field and measurement method .

  4. 核磁测井数据弛豫谱反演软件研究

    Study on software design of nuclear magnetic resonance logging data inversion

  5. 核磁测井在火成岩储层解释评价中的应用研究

    Study on NMR Log Application in Igneous Reservoir Evaluation

  6. 利用核磁测井精细评价低渗透砂岩气层

    Fine evaluation of low-permeability sandstone gas reservoir by use of nuclear magnetic resonance logging

  7. 核磁测井在辽河油田稠油水淹层的应用

    Application of nuclear magnetism logging in water-flooded zone of heavy oil in Liaohe Oilfield

  8. 介绍了一种利用核磁测井资料建立束缚水体积模型的新方法。

    A new method for establishing bound water volume with NMR logging data is introduced .

  9. 核磁测井&探测油层采收率和可采储量的高技术

    Nuclear magnetic LOGGING-A high technology for detection of recovery efficiency and recoverable reserves of oil-bearing beds

  10. 核磁测井在辽河油田火成岩储层测井解释评价中发挥了较好的应用效果。

    Some good application effects are obtained for NMR logging in igneous reservoir evaluation , Liaohe oilfield .

  11. 实验结果不仅对核磁测井解释有所帮助,而且对现场实际测井参数的选择也有一定的参考价值。

    The results are helpful for the interpretation of NMR logs and the on site selection of parameters for NMR logging .

  12. 核磁测井的方法原理、测井仪器、响应特征与传统的测井方法完全不同。

    The priciple , devices , response involved in nuclear magnetism logging ( NML ) are different from those of conventional logging .

  13. 但是,在我国部分油田的应用中发现核磁测井孔隙度与常规孔隙度之间存在明显差异。

    However , it is found that porosity difference between NMR and conventional porosity logging is unacceptable in some oilfields in China .

  14. 回顾了核磁测井技术的发展过程,对比当前国际上已有的3种核磁测井技术方案,对如何发展我国的核磁测井技术提出了一些建议。

    The procedure of development NML is reviewed , logging technologies available today are compared to put forth some proposals to develop NML in China .

  15. 利用核磁测井资料能较好地识别火成岩储层,划分火成岩的储层类型,提高孔、渗、饱储层参数计算精度及储层流体性质解释符合率。

    Igneous reservoir can be identified finely with NMR logging data , types of igneous reservoir can be sorted and parameter precision of reservoir can be improved .

  16. 在核磁测井数据反演中,首先采用回归M-估计求取经过初步修正的误差数据集,接着利用正则化方法对修正后的误差数据进行弛豫谱反演计算。

    In the inversion of nuclear magnetic resonance logging data , first step is using RME to calculate error data set being preliminary modified , then using ordinary regularization method for relaxation spectra inversion in modified error data .

  17. 常见的产层评价方法有碳氧比测井、中子寿命测井、核磁测井等,但由于成本高只用于部分关键井,取样分析资料是有限的。

    C / O log , Neutron-life log and Nuclear-magnetism log are familiar method to estimate production layer , but they are only used in some key wells as a result of high cost . Sampling data is numbered .

  18. 在此基础上,总结了应用核磁测井解释孔隙类型的解释模式,并通过应用实例证明在核磁测井孔隙类型解释的基础上可应用核磁测井进行裂缝性储层的储层类型划分。

    Based on the above results , the author summarized the interpretation patterns of different types of pores in interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance log , and illustrated with real examples that nuclear magnetic resonance log is applicable in the reservoir classification of fractured reservoirs .

  19. 本文从常用方法计算渗透率,到利用核磁测井方法计算渗透率,最后到利用斯通利波计算裂缝渗透率,全面的研究地层渗透率的定量预测方法。

    This article from the commonly used methods to calculate the permeability of , by use of nuclear magnetic resonance logging method of calculating permeability , finally to the use of Stone wave calculation of fracture permeability , a comprehensive study of the methods for quantitative prediction of formation permeability .

  20. 基于DSP的核磁共振测井用高速数据采集系统的设计

    A DSP-Based High-Speed Data Acquisition System for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging

  21. 一个新的NMR测井发展方向&T1在随钻核磁共振测井技术中的应用

    A new direction in NMR logging & The application of T_1 measurement in LWD NMR

  22. 从烃与水的T1差异着手,针对双极化时间核磁共振测井,可以建立含烃饱和度方程。

    Hydrocarbon saturation equation was set up according to T1 difference between hydrocarbon and water in dual polarization time NMR log .

  23. 应用核磁共振测井T2谱划分储层类型的关键是T2截止值的确定。

    The key to reservoir classification by T2 spectrum of nuclear magnetic resonance log is the determination of T2 cutoff values .

  24. 运用CMR(核磁共振测井)进行了储集层流体性质判别;

    CMR ( Combine Magnetic Resonance Logging ) was applied to discriminate reservoir fluid properties .

  25. 在简要说明了核磁共振测井(NMR)测量原理的基础上,用多个典型实例说明了NMR测井在储层评价中的重要应用。

    Based on brief explanation of the measurement principle for nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ) logging , this paper illustrates the importance of NMR logging in reservoir evaluation through typical case examples .

  26. 核磁共振测井(CMR)可以提供精确的有效孔隙度、孔隙结构等信息。

    While CMR ( combinable magnetic resonance ) can be applied to acquire information on actual porosity and pore structures .

  27. 另一方面,利用核磁共振测井的移谱法、差谱法、T2标准谱,结合电阻率测井进行了储层流体性质识别,并划分出板桥潜山碳酸盐岩储层有效性级别。

    On the other hand , Banqiao reservoir effectiveness classification and its fluid type identification are made by T_2 spectrum shift , T_2 spectrum difference , T_2 distribution and conventional resistivity log .

  28. 本文描述了一个以数字信号处理器(DSP)系统为核心,以高速流水线式A/D转换器、可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)、数控振荡器(NCO)为主体的核磁共振测井用高速数据采集系统。

    A high-speed data acquisition system with a DSP core and a circuit composed by high-speed pipeline A / D converter , numerically controlled oscillator ( NCO ) and FPGA is made for nuclear magnetic resonance logging system .

  29. MREx核磁共振测井流体性质评价技术的应用分析

    Application and Analysis of MR Explorer Logging Technology in Fluid Properties Evaluation

  30. 提出了先通过压汞等实验手段或测井间接计算确定束缚水饱和度,然后在核磁共振测井图上直接确定T2截止值的方法。

    This paper proposes a new method to determine the T2 cutoff values directly from nuclear magnetic resonance log if the irreducible water saturation is obtained from experiments such as mercury penetration , or calculated from log data .