
  • 网络hydrogen explosion
  1. 喷淋模式对氢气爆炸影响的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Effect of Spray Model on Hydrogen Explosion

  2. 这份3月25日提交的意外事故报告设想,1号机组将发生氢气爆炸,继而引发一连串的熔毁事故。

    The resulting contingency document submitted on March 25 envisioned a hydrogen explosion in unit 1 initiating a succession of meltdowns .

  3. 氢冷发电机氢气爆炸事故的分析及预防

    Analysis and Prevention Explosion Troubles for H_2 & Cooling Generator

  4. 这次事件伴随着氢气爆炸,导致放射性物质泄漏。

    Paired with hydrogen explosions , these meltdowns allowed radioactive material to escape .

  5. 氢气爆炸已经导致一号和三号反应堆的屋顶破裂。

    Hydrogen explosions already have blown the roofs off reactor buildings one and three .

  6. 氢气爆炸向大气喷涌辐射,造成了自1986年乌克兰切尔诺贝利核泄漏之后最严重的核事故。

    Hydrogen explosions spewed radiation into the atmosphere , causing the worst nuclear disaster since the1986 Chernobyl accident in Ukraine .

  7. 日本福岛核电站的工人向一座受损的核反应堆注入氮气以防止氢气爆炸。

    Workers in Japan have begun injecting nitrogen into one of the reactors at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant to prevent more hydrogen blasts .

  8. 他还补充,福岛核电厂的反应堆保存了其外形,只是被氢气爆炸所损坏,不像切尔诺贝利核反应堆自身发生爆炸。

    He added that the reactors in the Fukushima plant retained their shape and were damaged by hydrogen explosions , unlike Chernobyl where the nuclear reactor itself exploded .

  9. 海啸发生之后冷却系统失效导致了氢气爆炸,这把放射物吹出了核电站,注入氮气的行为就是为了防止这一悲剧再次发生。

    That was to prevent a repeat of the hydrogen explosions that blew radiation out of the plant soon after cooling systems failed in the wake of the tsunami .

  10. 冷却需要大量注水,但氢气爆炸造成的损坏意味着,工程技术人员泵入的水越多,就有越多的水渗漏流入维修隧道和其它低洼区域,进而可能流入大海。

    Cooling requires large injections of water , but damage caused by hydrogen explosions means that the more water engineers pump in , the more will leak down into service tunnels and other low - lying areas from where it could escape into the sea .

  11. 扬州制药厂2·1氢气钢瓶爆炸事故分析及其预防

    Causes Analysis of Explosion Accident of Hydrogen Cylinder in Yangzhou Pharmaceutical Factory

  12. 给出了氢气火灾爆炸事故树图,事故树的最小割集、最小径集以及3种重要度。

    Minimum cut sets , minimum path sets and three importance degree have been obtained ;

  13. 在对焦作化电集团实际调研的基础上,采用系统安全分析方法中的事故树分析方法对氢气火灾爆炸事故进行了定性、定量分析。

    On the basis of investigating and studying on Jiaozuo Chemical and Electrical Group , qualitative and quantitative analyses on fire explosion accidents are conducted by fault tree analysis ;

  14. 氢气因易爆炸和有危险,而广为人知。

    Hydrogen has a reputation for being explosive and dangerous .

  15. 300m~3易燃易爆湿式氢气贮柜爆炸事故分析

    Analysis on Explosion Accident of the 300m ~ 3 Flammable and Explosive Wet-gas Hydrogen Holder

  16. 在飞艇尾翼,静电产生的火花引燃了氢气,导致爆炸。

    A spark of static electricity ignited the hydrogen , which started the fire in the tail section and led to the explosion .

  17. 镁合金的燃点低,容易与水发生反应放出氢气而导致爆炸。

    The ignition point of magnesium alloy is low , and it is easy to react with water to release hydrogen and cause an explosion .

  18. 对氢气泄漏虚拟的爆炸事故进行了模拟计算,结果表明,该装置的布置达到了安全要求。

    In addition , simulating calculation of a fictitious hydrogen-leaking explosive accident has been carried out and the result shows that layout of the unit has reached the safety requirements .

  19. 为了预防铅酸蓄电池室燃爆事故的发生,关键是:一要采取有效的通风措施,保持蓄电池室通风良好,使氢气浓度不能达到爆炸极限;

    For prevention of deflagration in the lead-acid storage battery chamber , the key points are as follows . First , effective ventilation must be kept in the storage battery chamber , which would keep the hydrogen concentration from reaching the explosion limit .

  20. 据信由氢气造成的那些爆炸,毁坏了两座反应堆机房的屋顶,还损坏了第三座反应堆核心构造下方的一个水槽。现在氢气有可能再次在核电站内部聚集。

    Those explosions – which destroyed the roofs of two reactor buildings and damaged a water tank under the core of a third , releasing radiation – are believed to have been caused by hydrogen gas , which may again be building up inside the plant .