
  • 网络Nuclear Criticality
  1. 铀溶液核临界安全实验装置首次物理启动

    First Start-Up of Nuclear Criticality Safety Experiment Facility for Uranyl Nitrate Solution

  2. 用蒙特卡罗方法进行核临界安全计算

    Monte Carlo Approach towards Calculation for Nuclear Criticality Safety

  3. 用多群蒙特卡罗方法计算快中子核临界K(eff)和通量密度

    Monte-Carlo calculation of K_ ( eff ) and neutron flux density in fast neutron critical assemblies with multi-group section data

  4. Monte-Carlo方法是核临界计算的有效手段之一,应用该方法对水淹条件下多块材料球壳增殖系统的临界状态进行了计算分析。

    A Monte-Carlo method is one of the effective measures in nuclear critical security analysis . It was used to study the critical variation about breeder system of multi-region spherical shell in the case of water submergence .

  5. 本文介绍了日本JCO公司核临界事故的背景、事故过程、所采取的应急措施等事故情况以及事故的辐射后果。

    This paper describes JCO criticality accident situation including the background , process chronology and emergency countermeasures taken of the accident and its radiation consequence .

  6. 球装核临界的计算及其参数影响

    Nuclear critical calculation of spherical assemblies and effects of their parameter change

  7. 核临界安全中的源倍增法研究

    Research on Neutron Source Multiplication Method in Nuclear Critical Safety

  8. 铀水系统核临界安全的蒙特卡罗计算

    Monte-Carlo Calculation of Nuclear Criticality Safety of Uranium-Water System

  9. 核临界事故的特征与后果

    Character and consequence of nuclear criticality accident

  10. 铀富集厂容器取料过程中的核临界安全计算

    Calculation of Nuclear Criticality Safety for Duration of Materials Handling from Container at Uranium Enrichment Plant

  11. 在铀溶液核临界装置上进行了实验研究。

    The experiment research has been done on the uranium solution nuclear critical safety experiment assembly .

  12. 随着核电的发展,核临界安全问题变得越来越突出。

    With the development of nuclear power , the nuclear critical safety problem becomes more and more significant .

  13. 计算结果为实际生产中的核临界安全性提供了理论依据。

    As a result , it can be a theoretical basis in nuclear criticality safety for reality production .

  14. 计算出气体水合物的吸附过程中受温度和压力影响的动力学因素&成核临界半径。

    Dynamic factor , critical radii effected by temperature and pressure in natural gas hydrate formation is calculated .

  15. GB15146.7-1994反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全次临界中子增殖就地测量安全规定

    Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors & Safety controls in conducting subcritical neutron multiplication measurements in situ

  16. 核临界安全计算是蒙特卡罗方法的重要应用领域之一。

    One of the most important applications of the Monte Carlo method is the calculation of the nuclear criticality safety .

  17. 给出了核临界安全中监督现场的测量技术&源倍增法的实验理论和实验方法。

    The paper gives experiment theory and experiment method of neutron source multiplication method for site measurement technology in the nuclear critical safety .

  18. 主要阐述了铀溶液核临界安全实验装置控制保护系统的设计思想、保障技术和系统原理。

    This paper described the design mind and support technology and system principle of the control protection system of nuclear criticality safety experiment facility for nitride uranium solution .

  19. 燃耗信任制技术越来越多的应用到核临界安全分析中,这使乏燃料的贮存、运输和后处理的能力大大提高,燃料循环后段的经济性显著提高。

    The burnup credit technology has been applied to analysis of the nuclear critical safety . This has significantly enhanced the capacity of storing , transportation , reprocessing and improved the economy of back end fuel cycle .

  20. 西格尔:同时,以色列总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡认为世界为伊朗作了太多的让步,他说这个国家将进入核临界状态。

    SIEGEL : At the same time , Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suggested that the world is offering too many concessions to Iran , a country , he says , is poised to become a threshold nuclear state .

  21. 介绍了在硝酸铀溶液核临界安全实验装置上进行不同浓度铀溶液的临界实验时,用倒数外推方法确定硝酸铀酰的核临界质量的过程;

    The article presents the process of calculating the critical mass of nitride uranium solution by the reciprocal extrapolation method when doing the criticality safety experiment for different concentration of nitride uranium solution in the nitride solution nuclear criticality safety experimental facility .

  22. 利用这个程序包产生了63群多群常数工作库MC,将它与核工程临界安全计算MonteCarlo程序NEMCS相联接,并计算了Pu和U系统的有效增殖因数,取得了初步满意的结果。

    By using this package , the 63-group multigroup constants working file MC is generated and interconnected with the nuclear engineering criticality safety Monte Carlo NEMCS program . By which the effective multiplication factors of Pu and U systems are calculated , the primary results are satisfied .

  23. 在对金属凝固和过冷微观机理分析的基础上,分析了影响过冷的主要因素,计算了过冷时晶核的临界尺寸。

    The main factors effecting supercooling were analyzed and the crystalline grain critical size under supercooling has been calculated theoretically on the basis of the microcosmic mechanism analysis of pure tin freezing and supercooling .

  24. 通过岩石实验、高温高压和数值模拟认为,地震成核的临界尺度为大地震总破裂长度的十分之一,一般为10~20km左右;

    Through rock experiment , high temperature or high press and numerical model , we hold that the time critical scale of earthquake nucleation is 1 / 10 , it generally is about 10 ~ 20km ;

  25. 外加强磁场提高了Si和Al-Si的自由能,相对降低了Si形核势垒和临界晶核半径,促进了初晶硅和共晶Al-Si组织细化。

    It will decrease the potential barrier and critical grain radius comparatively . Magnetic field will induce the refinement of primary Si and eutectic Al-Si alloy .

  26. 萍乡显性核不育水稻临界温度值及其温度敏感期的研究

    Critical Temperature and the Thermo sensitive Phase of Pingxiang Dominant Genic Male Sterile Rice

  27. 利用人工气候箱研究了萍乡显性核不育水稻临界温度值及其温度敏感期。

    By using phytotron , critical temperature and the thermo sensitive phase of Pingxiang Dominant Genic Male Sterile Rice were studied under artificial conditions .

  28. 随着其理论和技术的深入发展,超临界流体成核、超临界流体反应、超临界流体拆分等多种高效、经济新技术将大量应用于农药研究,并成为推动农药领域深入发展的有力工具。

    With the development of theory and technology , many new SCF technologies , such as supercritical fluid nucleation , supercritical fluid chemical reaction and supercritical fluid separation , will be applied to pesticide science as useful means .

  29. 利用凝固过程热力学理论研究了铁液洁净度与过冷度、凝固热力学驱动力、形核功和临界晶核半径等的关系。

    The relationship between the cleanness of liquid iron and undercooling , thermodynamic driving force of nucleation , the activation energy to form a crystal nucleus and the critical radius of nucleus has been investigated in terms of thermodynamics in solidification .

  30. 橘核油的超临界CO2萃取及脂肪酸组成研究

    Study on Extraction of Semen Citri Reticulatae Oil by Supercritical CO_2 and Fatty Acid Compositions