
  • 网络Core melting accident;core melt down accident;core melt-down accident
  1. 虽然他们都安然无恙,但是却面临着新的恐怖&离他们30英里外的福岛第一核电站可能会发生灾难性的核反应堆堆芯熔化事故。

    My relatives are unharmed , but there are new fears of a catastrophic meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant , just 30 miles away .

  2. 由于反应堆在常压下运行,不会发生堆芯熔化事故,安全性好,可靠性高,技术上可立足国内。

    This type of reactor is operated at normal pressure , and will be no accident of in-core melting . It has high reliability and good performance of safety and can be constructed by using domestic technology .

  3. 快堆局部堵流所致堆芯局部熔化事故的预测模型快装锅炉对流管束熔化事故原因分析及预防措施

    Predictive model for local core melting accident caused by subassembly blockage in a fast reactor Analysis and Prevention to the Melt Down of Convection Bank in a Package Boiler

  4. 非能动余热排出系统是非能动安全设计思想的一个成功应用,担负着反应堆停堆后安全可靠地排出堆芯余热,防止出现堆芯熔化事故的重任。

    The passive residual heat removal system ( PRHR ) is a successful application of the passive safety design theory . Its function is to remove core decay heat for any postulated non-LOCA event , prevent the occurrence of reactor meltdown accident .