
hé sǔn hài
  • nuclear damage
  1. 核损害民事责任中的责任集中原则中国核损害责任制度的建构

    How to Establish and Perfect China 's Civil Liability System for Nuclear Damage

  2. 关于核损害民事责任的国际公约

    International Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage

  3. 丘脑出血SEP异常愈明显血肿对丘脑腹外侧核损害愈重,且感觉障碍程度也愈重。

    The more hemorrhage in the thalamus and the more abnormal changes of SEP , the more severe damage to the internal capsule and / or the ventral lateral nuclei of the thalamus and the more severe sensory disturbance .

  4. 关于核损害责任的条约。这些条约体现了可持续发展原则,对于核能安全的国际合作发挥了重要作用。

    The treaties and conventions embody the principle of sustainable development .

  5. 核损害补充赔偿公约;

    Convention on supplementary compensation for nuclear damage ;

  6. 维也纳核损害民事责任公约

    Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage

  7. 核损害责任常设委员会

    Standing Committee on Nuclear Liability

  8. 这一结论在“关于核损害民事责任的维也纳公约(1963)”中也得到支持。

    This issue is also fostered in the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage ( 1963 ) .

  9. 那么,究竟什么是核损害,在发生了核事故损害时如何及时、充分地赔偿受害人?这些问题都有待于法律给予切实解决。

    What is nuclear damage ? How to compensate victims when nuclear accidents cause damage ? These problems are to be solved legally .

  10. 应该尽快建立和完善中国大陆的核损害责任制度。

    With the development of nuclear use for peaceful purposes in China , the civil liability system for nuclear damage should be established and perfected as soon as possible .

  11. 在核能带来清洁和高效的能源的同时,也伴随有巨大的风险,跨界核损害及其赔偿制成为国际社会所关注的重要问题。

    With the clean and efficient energy it provides , huge risk is accompanied . The compensation system of trans-boundary nuclear damage has become a very important issue attracting universally attention .

  12. 随着核能和平利用的发展,核能的安全性日益引起人们的广泛关注,核损害及其赔偿已经成为无法回避的问题。

    With the development of nuclear use for peaceful purposes , nuclear safety has become a great concern and meanwhile , nuclear damage and compensation for nuclear damage has become an unavoidable issue .

  13. 除有关核损害的国际条约以外,有关跨界损害民事责任的国际条约大都把受害者获得及时和充分赔偿的原则作为它们订立条约的目的明确规定在序言或第一条中。

    In addition to the international treaties related to civil liability for nuclear damage , the concerned international treaties explicitly put the principle of prompt and adequate compensation in the preamble or the first article in the treaties .

  14. 然而,朝鲜表示,该国绝不会为了弃核而损害自身的安全。

    However , North Korea says it will never compromise its security by giving up atomic weapons .

  15. 北京药店表示,要买碘的人多得不寻常&其目的是预防核辐射损害。

    Pharmacies in Beijing said they were receiving an unusual number of requests for iodine , which can be taken as a precaution against radiation exposure .

  16. 以精子作为载体介导外源基因的方法非常简便,可在几乎所有动物上应用,其成本低、效率高(10%以上)、对卵原核无损害、符合生理受精过程而且便于大量筛选。

    On the other hand , the transgene method mediated by sperm appears extremely easy to use in all sexual reproductive animals with obvious advantage of low costing , high efficiency ( > 10 % ), less equipments needed , no mechanical invasion for oocyte , similar to natural fertilization .

  17. 环磷酰胺/卡铂联合化疗对卵巢癌患者外周血单个核细胞DNA损害

    DNA damage in peripheral mononuclear blood cells of ovarian cancer patients during combining chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide / carboplatin

  18. 这种继发性损害会随着时间延长而逐渐减轻,提示红核继发性损害之后可能出现神经重塑的现象。

    This secondary damage eases gradually over time prolonged which indicates that there appears the remodeling phenomenon after the secondary damage .

  19. 儿童肝豆状核变性并肾损害36例分析

    Analysis of 36 children with wilson disease complicated with renal impairment

  20. 方法对36例儿童肝豆状核变性并肾损害的临床资料进行分析。

    Methods Clinical data of 36 children with wilson disease complicated with renal impairment were analyzed retrospectively .

  21. 神经纤维有髓鞘松散及溶解现象。这些结果提示,高氟摄入对中缝背核神经元有直接损害作用。

    These results suggest that the administration of large dose of fluoride damage the central nervous system directly .

  22. 核辐射的长期损害,致使整个城市和它的人口化为粉末。

    The long-lasting damage of nuclear radiation caused an entire city and its population to turn into powder .

  23. 尽管这次核事故造成了损害,但它对当地生态系统的破坏远远小于人类行为造成的破坏。

    Harmful as it was , the nuclear accident was far less destructive to the local ecosystem than we were .

  24. 结论儿童肝豆状核变性并肾损害起病隐袭易被临床忽视,治疗上以减少铜摄入和吸收,增加铜排泄、维持铜代谢的负平衡及对症治疗为主,预后较好。

    Conclusion Wilson disease complicated with renal impairment in children was easy to be neglected due to the insidious onset . The therapy included of reducing copper intake and absorption , increasing copper excretion and maintaining negative balance of copper metabolism for treatment , and the prognosis is relatively better .

  25. 国际核能安全立法包括管理放射性废物的国际公约、核事故应急安全管理的国际公约、国际核损害法律责任的公约以及禁止和限制核武器的国际条约等。

    International nuclear safety legislation includes the international management of radioactive waste , international conventions on emergency response of safety management about nuclear accident , international conventions on international liability for nuclear damage , as well as the international treaties of prohibition and limitation of nuclear weapons .

  26. 上千次的核试验造成了愈演愈烈的军备竞赛,产生了新的核大国,严重损害了人类健康和全球环境。

    Thousands of nuclear tests led to a more significant arms race , resulted out many new nuclear power states and brought serious damage to human health and global environment .

  27. 然而,我国核责任立法却相对滞后,相关法律法规存在缺失,理论上的研究也相对薄弱,并没有形成处理核损害赔偿的有效机制。

    However , the law of nuclear liability in China lags behind , demonstrated as shortage in relevant laws and regulations , superficial study on theory , no effective system of compensation for nuclear damage .