
  1. 为了保护有关作业者及群众的健康,制订相应的次声卫生标准十分必要。目前在国际上尚无统一的次声卫生标准,一些国家初步提出的标准差异较大,例如:俄罗斯规定容许水平为90dB;

    In order to protect relevant workers and masses , it is very important to ensure the corresponding infrasonic hygienic standard , which is no unified international standard now .

  2. 食品法律及标准十分必要,但若无有效执法,也会失去其权威性。

    Food laws and standards are essential , but they are toothless without proper enforcement .

  3. 在我们发展的道路上建立起来的标准十分强大。而且不单是选拔标准,

    so the criteria that we developed along the way were really strong , and were not only criteria of selection .

  4. 再加上教学资源欠缺,教学方式和考核标准十分单一,教育成果甚微。

    Coupled with the lack of on teaching resources , teaching methods and assessment criteria is very simple , was so little education .

  5. 土壤污染将长期危及生态系统和人类生存安全。制定土壤污染等级标准十分重要。

    Soil pollution will be harmful to ecological system and human health , and hence the formulation of the soil pollution grade standard is very important .

  6. 尽管英国的现行标准十分大胆,但没有一项像1996年美国的福利改革时那样严厉,当时的各项津贴都规定了时间限制。

    Bold by British standards , then , but nothing like as drastic as the American welfare reform of1996 , in which benefits were explicitly time-limited .

  7. 用水量指标是城市给排水工程规划建设的基础,合理确定用水量标准十分重要。

    Water consumption index is a basis for planning and construction of urban water supply and drainage projects and it is very important to set the proper standard for water consumption .

  8. 由于受到社会风俗习惯,法官素质,社会舆论等因素的影响,使得在司法实践中对被害人过错的认定和把握标准十分不统一。

    As a result of social customs , judges the quality of public opinion and other factors , making the victims in the judicial practice of the fault is not identified and grasp the standards that are very non-uniform .

  9. 1语言作为F接口的表示文法和传送文法对TMN的F接口的开放互连和标准化十分有益。

    As expression grammar and transfer grammar for the open interconnection and standardization of the TMN F interface .

  10. 这常常是因为度量标准不是十分相关的。

    This is frequently because the metric is not sufficiently relevant .

  11. 奖学金的标准并不十分苛严。

    The standards of the scholarship were not demanding .

  12. 而且判断谁该关押的标准也十分合理。

    And the criteria for determining who should be detained are very reasonable .

  13. 一所勉强合乎住房最低标准的十分简陋的公寓。

    A rundown apartment house barely meeting minimal standards .

  14. 高星级商务酒店如何进一步提高建设水平和设计标准是十分值得分析和研究的课题。

    How to further improve the hotels ' construction level and the design criterion is a very worthy topic .

  15. 因此,研究爆破振动对初期支护的影响及其控制标准具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , it is of vital importance to study impacts and control standard of blasting vibration on primary support .

  16. 通过使用共享的数据规则集合,开发团队可以更好的进行协作以共享信息,这些信息对于满足公司的编码标准来说十分重要。

    By using shared data rule sets , teams can better collaborate and share information that is essential for meeting corporate coding standards .

  17. 几乎所有带队老师对测试项目的评分标准都十分了解,相对于教师而言,体育考生对评分标准的了解程度较低。

    Almost all the teachers fully understand the marking criteria for the test subjects while comparatively PE candidates have a low level knowledge of the marking criteria .

  18. 同时,以夫妻感情破裂作为准予离婚的标准不十分符合我国当前婚姻状况实际,有悖婚姻自由原则。

    Meanwhile , to grant a divorce by marriage breach is not up to the present marriage conditions in China , and is against the principle of marital freedom .

  19. 因此,在此前提下,强化中等职业教育专业课教师培训质量的评价标准就十分必要,也迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , it is very important to enhance the training evaluation standards of specialized course teacher in secondary vocational school is necessary , but also is very imminent .

  20. 菲林的线性化是制版的重点,控制好阳片上网点的变形,对做好出片、制版过程的规范化和标准化十分重要。

    The linear film is the key to make plate , subject the network deformation of positive film , is meaningful to do the normalization and standardization of making film or plates well .

  21. 可以预料,服务业投资自由化是国际投资自由化的重要发展方向之一,服务业投资待遇标准占据十分重要的地位,本文对其关于待遇的核心规则和具体承诺的国民待遇问题进行了讨论。

    It can be anticipated that investment liberalization in service industry is one of the trend of international investment liberalization development and the treatment in this area will stand on a very important position .

  22. 汽车工业经过100多年的发展,各大厂商在技术、工艺、设备、质量等领域的体系标准已十分成熟,制造成本的差异相当微小。

    After more than 100 years ' development , the various manufacturers in auto industry already have mature standard systems on technology , technics , equipments , and quality . And there is only slight difference in manufacturing cost .

  23. 主要得出以下研究结果:1、河南省级示范性高中体育教师经常参加课程培训,对体育与健康课程标准认识十分清楚,但是体育教师对高中体育人力资源的认识情况并不理想。

    Draw the following results : 1 , Henan provincial demonstrative high school sports teacher often attend training courses , for physical education and health course standard know very clearly , but sports teachers to high school sports human resources understanding situation is not good .

  24. 该搭的操作状况对整个装置是否能够良好运转、产量能否达到规定的标准都具有十分重要的影响。

    Its operation condition influences whether the total system runs well and the output reaches the prescriptive criteria .

  25. 所以,从法律角度研究国际贸易中的劳工标准问题具有十分重要的意义。

    So , studying the issue of labor standard in international trade from the aspect of law has very important meanings .

  26. 实践表明,在齿轮制造中应用这种夹具,对齿轮制造行业贯彻执行GB10095&88渐开线圆柱齿轮精度标准有着十分重要的意义。

    Its applications showed that is very important for gear manufacturers confirming cylindrical involute gear accuracy to the GB 10095-88 standard .

  27. 323标准有着十分广阔的应用前景。本文首先对H。

    With the rapid popularization of Internet and extensive use of TCP / IP agreement , H.323 standards have very wide application prospects .

  28. 作为一种新的教学模式,同时建立一种新的效能评价形式和标准也显得十分必要。

    As a new teaching model , it is quite necessary to set up at the same time a new set of validity evaluation form or standard .

  29. 但是吉纳迪•帕夫由克在邻国哈萨克斯坦被残忍杀害的事,即使以当地的标准来看也是十分令人震惊的。

    But the brutal murder of Gennady Pavlyuk , 51 , one of the most prominent Kyrgyzstani journalists , in neighbouring Kazakhstan was shocking even by local standards .

  30. 目前优化工作基本上是手工工作,不能兼顾到每个页面的优化,而且优化工作不能按照规定的标准进行,十分影响工作效率。

    Currently the optimization is based on manual work , it is so hard to take into account the optimization for each page , and optimization often does not follow the standard . It really affected the work efficiency .