
  • 网络Exhaustion;The Exhaustion of Rights;exhaustion of right;Exhaustion Doctrine
  1. 并在TRIPS的下一轮有关知识产权权利用尽和平行进口的谈判中,知己知彼,争取主动,以维护发展中国家的整体利益。

    And which makes China play an active role in the next round of negotiation as to exhaustion of right and parallel import in TRIPS .

  2. 与地域性理论相对的是权利用尽理论。

    The principle of exhaustion is opposite with the principle of territoriality .

  3. 然而,权利用尽的空间特性决定了它根本无法解决平行进口问题。

    But , in fact , its space properties determine its disability to solve this problem .

  4. 权利用尽理论在解决平行进口这一问题上陷入了困境。

    In fact , exhaustion of rights is unable to solve the problem of parallel import .

  5. 包括合理使用、比较广告、权利用尽、限制竞争。

    This part deals with fair use , comparative advertising , exhaustion of right and restricted competition .

  6. 其次,网络发行是否属于著作权法意义上的发行是认定是否适用权利用尽原则的前提。

    Secondly , the application of exhaustion-of-rights doctrine is based on that online publishing belongs to action of publishing in copyright .

  7. 重视和研究权利用尽原则和贸易自由化的关系问题成为各国知识产权法学界和经济学界所面临的迫切任务。

    It is an important things to study the relation between the exhaustion of exclusive rights and trade liberalization policy for the law circle and the economics circle .

  8. 权利用尽原则是立法者在平衡知识产权人特权或专有权和社会公众利益的基础上提出的。

    The principle of the right exhaust was proposed by the legislators basing on the equilibrium between the intellectual property privilege or exclusive rights and the social public interests .

  9. 知识产权上的权利用尽理论与平行进口问题是近年来在我国法学界和国际贸易领域内广受关注的热点和难点问题之一。

    The exhaustion of exclusive right and parallel imports in the intellectuality property right issue have been heatedly discussed in recent years among scholars of law and international trade .

  10. 商标的地域性原则与权利用尽问题、商标产品平行进口各方利益主体平衡问题、平行进口与公平竞争的关系问题是目前理论界争论最多的问题。

    Controversy on such cases focuses on three questions : the contradiction in principle of right exhaustion and territorial right , the balance among bodies of interest , the relationship between parellel importation and fair competition .

  11. 著作权中的发行权是一项重要的权利,其用尽规则在平衡各方利益、合理地限制知识产权、促进公共利益等方面起着十分积极的作用。

    The right of issue is an indispensible item of copyright , and its exhaustion rule plays an active role in the balance of interest 、 reasonable restriction of the right of issue and promotion of public interest .