
zhuān lì quán shǐ yònɡ fèi
  • patent royalty
  1. 事实上,宏达国际和三星等手机制造商不仅生产windowsphone手机,他们也会为自己生产安卓手机而向微软支付专利权使用费。

    Indeed , manufacturers like HTC and Samsung not only make Windows Phone devices , they also pay Microsoft royalties on their Android devices .

  2. 专利权使用费不应高于国际标准。

    The royalty rate shall not be higher than the standard international rate .

  3. 专利权使用费是产品净销售价值的15%。

    The royalty rate shall be 15 % of the net sales value of the products .

  4. 许可贸易是指授予另外一家厂商(通过支付许可费或专利权使用费)使用本企业的工艺流程,专利,商标或其他资产的权力。

    Licensing means granting to another producer for a fee or royalty payment the right to use one 's production process , patents , trademarks , or other assets .

  5. 从联号收得的专利权特许权使用费;

    Royalties and licensing fees received from related parties ;

  6. 由实施单位按照国家规定向专利权人支付使用费。

    The exploiting entity shall , according to the regulations of the State , pay a fee for exploitation to the patentee .

  7. 第五十四条取得实施强制许可的单位或者个人应当付给专利权人合理的使用费,其数额由双方协商;

    Article 54 . The entity or individual that is granted a compulsory license for exploitation shall pay to the patentee a reasonable exploitation fee , the amount of which shall be fixed by both parties in consultations .

  8. 爱立信指控中兴通讯拒绝签署一项专利许可协议&根据这样的协议,中兴通讯须向这家瑞典集团支付专利权使用费。

    Ericsson has accused ZTE of refusing to sign a patent licensing agreement under which the Chinese telecoms equipment maker would pay royalties to the Swedish group .

  9. 因此,开源发明网络联盟防御性地收购了一组具有战略性的专利,任何承诺不向Linux社区成员主张其自身专利权的公司均可使用这些专利,且无需交纳专利权使用费。

    Oin has , therefore , acquired a defensive portfolio of strategic patents which it makes available , royalty free , to companies that commit not to assert their own patents against members of the Linux community .