
  • 网络Gesture recognition;Gesture Recognizer
  1. 3D交互输入新技术&手势识别

    3D interactive input technology & gesture recognition

  2. 基于表面肌电信号的实时手势识别及FPGA实现。

    Real-time gesture recognition based on sEMG and its realization on FPGA .

  3. 基于BP神经网络的静态手势识别方法

    A Hand Gestures Recognition Based on Neural Networks

  4. 本系统成功完成了基于FPGA硬件平台的手势识别且识别结果得到了验证。

    This system successfully completed the gesture recognition based on FPGA and the recognition results are verified .

  5. 作为新一代的人机交互方式,基于计算机视觉(ComputerVision)的单目手势识别具有重要的理论研究价值和实际应用前景。

    As a new generation of human-computer interaction method , monocular hand gesture recognition based on computer vision has important theoretical research value and practical application prospect .

  6. 隐马尔可夫模型(HMM,HiddenMarkovmodel)是语音识别和手势识别中广泛使用的统计模式识别方法。

    Hidden Markov model ( HMM ) is a statistical pattern recognition method that is extensively used in speech and gesture recognition .

  7. 近年来,越来越多的系统以手势识别作为人机交互(Human-ComputerInteraction)的接口。

    Recently , more and more Human-Computer Interaction systems are making use of the interface based on Hand Gesture Recognition .

  8. 分别用TS及ITS训练隐马尔可夫模型进行动态手势识别。

    TS and ITS are applied to training HMM for dynamic gesture recognition .

  9. 基于Hausdorff距离的手势识别

    Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Hausdorff Distance

  10. 它在图像识别以及人工智能中的手势识别和人脸识别、地理信息系统(GIS)中的定位跟踪算法等领域都有广泛应用。

    It is widely applied in the image recognition , the gestures recognition , face recognition and geographical information system ( GIS ) oriented in areas such as tracking algorithm .

  11. 高阶NMI值的字母手势识别

    Recognition of Alphabet Gesture Based on Orientation and High Order NMI Feature

  12. 由于隐式马尔科夫链(HMM)可以同时对空间和时间相关关系建立模型,适用于动态手势识别。

    Since the Hidden Markov models ( HMM ) can be related to space and time model , it can be suitable for dynamic gesture recognition .

  13. 据科技新闻网站TheVerge称,手势识别功能主要用于游戏机xbox的外设。

    Gesture recognition would work as for Microsoft 's Kinect for Xbox , according to a report on the tech news Web site The Verge .

  14. 在静态手势识别中,首先简要分析了模板匹配的方法,然后详细介绍了神经网络的方法,并用BP神经网络对10个数字手势,600个样本进行了训练和识别。

    In the static gesture recognition , we analyze the method of template matching briefly at the first , then detail the method of neural network and use BP neural network to train and recognize 10 gestures with 600 samples .

  15. 英特尔试图强调即将面世的超极本的新功能,比如先进的语音和手势识别以及内置的近场无线通讯(NFC)。

    Intel tried to play up the new capabilities on upcoming ultrabooks , like advanced voice and gesture recognition and built-in NFC .

  16. 手势识别是人机交互中的重要组成部分,文章针对基于光流PCA(主分量分析)和DTW(动态时间规整)进行命令手势识别。

    Hand gesture recognition is an important component of human-computer interaction . This paper recognizes command gesture-based optical flow PCA ( principle component analysis ) and DTW ( dynamic time warping ) .

  17. 基于CAS-GLOVE数据手套的手势识别技术研究

    Research of Gesture Recognition Based on CAS-GLOVE

  18. 高通公司本周一宣布,高通已经并购了另外一家手势识别技术厂商GestureTek的部分业务和研发部门。

    Qualcomm on Monday announced that it has acquired certain assets from GestureTek , a developer of gesture recognition technology .

  19. 其次本文提出了基于流形学习的高效手势识别重建算法,它采用局部保留投影(LPP)算法进行流形学习,能够很健壮地识别和恢复很多手势的姿态和视点。

    Secondly , the paper put forward an effective gesture recognition and reconstruction algorithm . The algorithm uses Locality Preserving Projections ( LPP ) to learn the manifold , and then recognize and reconstruct the gesture from multi-views .

  20. 视觉HRI是人与机器人通过视觉传感器进行交互的技术,主要包括人的认知、人手势识别和社会交互等子课题。

    Vision based HRI is a technology that human beings interact with robots by means of vision sensor , which consists of human perception , human gesture recognition , social interaction and any other sub-topics .

  21. 有了体感外设,消费者要接听电话,只需把手机放在耳朵旁,而挂断电话则直接把手机放入口袋就可以了与去年三星新推出的GalaxyS4相比,这一手势识别功能先进了不少。

    Using Kinect , Nokia could , for example , let you answer your Windows Phone by simply placing it to your ear and hang up by putting the device in your pocket . Those gesture controls are more advanced than what Samsung introduced with its Galaxy S 4 last year .

  22. 基于肤色和边缘轮廓检测的手势识别

    Hand Signal Recognition Based on Skin Color and Edge Outline Examination

  23. 一个简单高效的动态手势识别方法

    A Simple and Efficient Method of Dynamic Hand Gestures Recognition

  24. 基于穿戴视觉的人手跟踪与手势识别方法

    Hand Tracking and Gesture Recognition Method Based on Wearable Vision

  25. 基于三维加速度传感器的手势识别及交互模型研究

    Research of Gesture Recognition and Interaction Model Based on Three Dimensional Accelerometer

  26. 基于人手的动作识别与跟踪具有自然、直观、不需要中间媒介等特点,近年来手势识别与跟踪一直是人机交互领域的研究热点。

    Hand gesture recognition is nature and simple for communication .

  27. 基于视频图像的手势识别技术一直是人们关注的热点。

    The vision based gesture recognition technology is a hot research topic .

  28. 手势识别是其中一个重要议题。

    Gesture recognition is one of the most significant subjects in CV .

  29. 应用几何矩和边缘检测的手势识别算法

    Gesture Recognition Algorithm Based on Invariant Moment and Edge Detection

  30. 虚拟维修仿真中手势识别的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Gesture Recognition in Virtual Maintenance Simulation