
  1. 据《好莱坞报道者》报道,HBO已经发布了《权力的游戏》第四季单集平均收视人数为1800万。

    HBO released weekly ratings information for Season 4 , and according to The Hollywood Reporter Game of Thrones has been averaging 18 million viewers a week .

  2. 《权力的游戏》第四季于去年6月结束,平均每集的观众累积达1900万,是HBO原创电视剧中收视率最高的。

    The fourth season of Game of Thrones , which ended in June , averaged 19 million cumulative viewers , making it the most-watched HBO original series ever .

  3. 《权力的游戏》第四季将会在北京时间4月7日开播。

    Game of Thrones Season 4 will premiere on April 6 .

  4. 《权力的游戏》第四季表现非常不错。

    Game of Thrones is doing pretty well for itself in Season 4 .

  5. 所以毫无疑问,周二晚出席《权力的游戏》第四季在意大利米兰的首映礼,索菲特纳和麦茜威廉姆斯姐妹俩都想展示下自己的着装风格。

    So its no surprise that Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams fancied showing off a touch of their own style as they attended the season four premiere in Milan , Italy on Thursday evening .

  6. 在《权力的游戏》迎来第四季大结局前,收视又稍微有些下降。

    Game of Thrones dipped again in ratings on the eve of its Season 4 finale .