
jī zài shè bèi
  • airborne equipment
  1. 航空机载设备的软件文档种类要求

    The Variety Requirement for the Software Documents of Airborne Equipment

  2. 机载设备综合ATE通用软件平台

    Universal Software Platform of Integrated ATE for Airborne Equipment

  3. 嵌入式Internet在机载设备参数远程监测中的应用

    Application of Embedded Internet to the Remote Watch System for Airplane Equipment Parameters

  4. 基于特征的航空机载设备壳体类零件CAD系统

    A Feature-based CAD System for Housing Parts of Airborne Equipment

  5. 机载设备ATE通用自动计量系统的设计与开发

    Design and Research of the Universal Automatic Metrology System Used in Aeronautic ATE

  6. 机载设备IRIG-B(AC)码的滤波及其数字相位补偿

    Filtering and digital phase compensation of IRIG-B ( AC ) code in airborne equipment

  7. 机载设备的核心是ACARS管理单元(MU)。

    Airborne equipment is the core of the ACARS management unit ( MU ) .

  8. 最后,给出了一个成功应用VHDL设计的机载设备及其带来的优点。

    Finally , it gives an example that the VHDL design was used in airborne equipment successfully and the advantages brought with it .

  9. 基于PXI的机载设备检测系统设计

    Airborne Equipment Test System Design with PXI

  10. 基于PXI技术的塔康机载设备故障检测系统

    The design of test & measurement system for TACAN equipment on aircraft based on PXI

  11. ACARS机载设备由一个终端和一个路由器组成。

    ACARS airborne equipment consists of a terminal and a router .

  12. 通过平均故障间隔时间(MTBF)的研究和分析真实的失效数据来预测机载设备的可靠性。

    Its effectiveness is illustrated by Mean Time Between Failures ( MTBF ) study and analysis of real invalidation data .

  13. 文中提出了一种用MLS机载设备对MLS地面台摇动引入测角波动的补偿方法。

    A kind of method that MLS airborne equipment compensate the fluctuation brought by the ground station 's vibration is proposed in this paper .

  14. 基于AADL的机载设备系统可靠性建模

    Reliability Modeling for Airborne Equipment System Using AADL

  15. ACARS系统主要由三部分组成:机载设备、服务提供商、地面处理系统。

    ACARS system mainly consists of three parts : airborne equipment , service providers , ground processing system .

  16. VOR-700机载设备测试平台的教学软件制作

    Training Software of VOR-700 Equipment Onboard Test Platform

  17. 其机载设备分别为ACARS和AIRCOM,两家公司分别在全球建立了地面通信网路。

    Its airborne equipment is ACARS and AIRCOM respectively . The global ground communication networks are built up by the two firms separately .

  18. VOR-700机载设备测试平台主要包括VOR-700机载设备和航空电子测试设备。

    The test platform of VOR-700 equipment onboard is composed of the VOR-700 equipment onboard and the avionics test equipments .

  19. 结合开发航空机载设备行业轴类零件CAPP子系统(ACAP)的方法和经验,从开发准备,零件描述、基本原理、用户界面、发展趋势5个方面谈CAPP系统的开发。

    In accordance with the methods and experiences in the development of subsystem ( ACAP ) of shaft parts CAPP for the airborne equipment industry , the paper details preparations , part descriptions , principles , user in - terfaces and trends .

  20. 介绍了FK-2飞行实时监控系统中地面站与机载设备的通信问题、地面站实时接收并处理数据的方法,以及地面站计算机网络间数据的发送与接收问题。

    The paper Introduces the communication question of ground station with airborne equipment , method of receiving and processing data by real time on ground station , and question of sending and receiving network data .

  21. 软件文档是航空机载设备软件的重要组成部分。

    Software documents are very important components of airborne equipment software .

  22. 新世纪航空机载设备制造技术展望

    Prospects for Manufacturing Technology of Aeronautic Airborne Device in New Century

  23. 无人机机载设备自动测试系统的关键技术及实现

    Key Technology and Implementation of UAV Airborne Equipment Automatic Test System

  24. 战斗机机载设备最佳加载量的计算研究

    A Calculation Study on Optimum Loads of Fighter Airborne Equipments

  25. 雷电间接效应对飞机机载设备的危害分析

    The Harm Analyses of Lightning Indirect Effect on Airplane Equipments

  26. 机载设备外场数据的可靠性增长分析

    Reliability growth analysis based on field data for airborne equipments

  27. 机载设备模具技术的现状与发展

    Present Status and Development of Die Technology of Airborne Equipments

  28. 机载设备生产交付中的质量与可靠性保证技术

    Quality and Reliability Assurance Technology in Production & Delivery of Airborne Equipment

  29. 机载设备自动测试与故障诊断技术的发展

    Development of the Automatic Testing and Fault Diagnosis Technology for Airborne Equipment

  30. 航空环境与机载设备环境试验规范的制定

    The Aviation Environment and Establishment of Environment Test Standard for Airborne Equipment