
  • 网络Rides
  1. 上诉委员团(机动游戏机(安全))

    Appeal Board Panel ( Amusement Rides ( Safety ))

  2. 您到海洋公园主要是玩机动游戏还是参观展览馆?

    What is your main purpose for visiting Ocean Park , thrill rides or exhibitions and aquariums ?

  3. 你满意海洋公园的机动游戏吗?

    Do you satisfy with Ocean Park 's amusement Park ?

  4. 具有10个机动游戏,新的城市,是托马斯的两倍以上任何现有托马斯城市的大小。

    Featuring ten rides , the new Thomas Town is more than double the size of any existing Thomas Town .

  5. 由于曲速引擎的学术研究与我们生活息息相关,主题公园内的过山车机动游戏,就是运用到曲速引擎的学术技巧。

    As the song-speed engine research and our daily life , theme park roller coaster rides , that is applied to the warp engines of academic skills .