
yǒu xiào zhènɡ jiàn
  • Valid documents;perfect instrument
  1. 旅客必须携带有效证件。

    Passengers must carry proper documentation .

  2. 特别提示:1、请注意携带有效证件;

    Special Notice : 1.Please bring valid certificates with you ; 2 .

  3. 持有效证件的港澳同胞、台湾同胞;

    Compatriots from Hong Kong , Macao or Taiwan with valid credentials ;

  4. 没有有效证件,谁也不能进入大楼。

    Without a valid certificate , no one can get into this building .

  5. 凭乘船通知书并持有效证件登船。

    With " boarding certification " holds the effect certificate to board also .

  6. 所有相关人员必须持有效证件上岗。

    All personnel must have the valid certification .

  7. 没有有效证件你不能过关。这是必要的。

    You can 't cross the border without valid documentation . It 's essential .

  8. 你违法了,未持有效证件驾驶。

    You are in violation of the law - driving without a valid license .

  9. 您的护照过期了,没有有效证件您不能过关。

    Your passport has expired ; you cannot cross the border without valid documentation .

  10. 最后可以凭户口本这样的有效证件重新办理。

    OK finally by registered permanent residence this such effective certificate is dealt with afresh .

  11. 房地产权利证书或者证明其产权的其他有效证件;

    The real estate ownership certificate or other valid instruments that testify the parties'property right ;

  12. 所有外来船员,必须持有效证件登记领取本证;

    All external sailorman , must hold the valid identification to register and receive this card ;

  13. 有效证件复印件、简历、形象照、化淡妆、穿高跟鞋。

    Copies of valid documents , resumes , photo image , chemical makeup , high heels .

  14. 作业场所的有效证件;

    Valid certificate of worksite ;

  15. 请携带身份证复印件,学历证明及其他有效证件复印件。

    Please bring one copy of your ID card , and any valid certificates copies you possess .

  16. 你需要填一张申请表,并送交一份学校的有效证件。

    You need to fill out an application and have your official copy of school transcripts sent to them .

  17. 焊割工具、电焊钳制造(凡涉及许可证或专项审批的凭有效证件经营)。

    Hange tools , welding tongs manufacturing ( involving permits or special approval to operate with valid documents ) .

  18. 本合同签定前,甲方应向乙方出示该车辆的有效证件及其权属证明。

    1 prior to signing this contract , lessor shall show Lessee the car 's valid documents and proof of owncrship .

  19. 会员卡注销时,请本人携带会员卡及有效证件至贵宾俱乐部办理会籍注销手续。

    When the member cards need to be crossed , please come to VIP Club for cancellation with your member cards and effective certificates .

  20. 学生们持有效证件看电影只需花费4.75$&如果一次性买十张电影票,每张只需花3.75$。

    Movies are only $ 4.75 for students with a valid student ID & or buy a10-film pass and pay only $ 3.75 each .

  21. 政府认为未成年人饮酒是一个非常严肃的问题,所以每一间酒吧或小酒馆都要求所有的顾客在进门之前必须出示个人有效证件。

    The government considers underage drinking a serious problem and so every pub and bar in Australia requires all customers to show ID before entering .

  22. 如果您的密码纸或存包牌丢失,请出示有效证件,核对无误后方可领取。

    Should your password paper or luggage plate be missing , please show us your valid certificate , and they can be fetched after correct verification .

  23. 领取赔款时,请您携带公章、车主或领款人身份证等有效证件进行办理。

    When the reparations that get , ask you to carry official seal , car advocate or the effective certificate such as payee Id undertakes conduction .

  24. 持有外国护照的中国籍香港居民可向入境事务处申报国籍变更,并提交有效证件以资证明。

    Hong Kong residents of Chinese nationality but holding foreign passports may make a declaration of change of nationality to the immigration department with valid supporting documents .

  25. 备注:大会配有同声传译,请参会者凭借有效证件(身份证、护照、驾照)租借耳机。

    PS. Simultaneous interpretation service is provided during the conference . Please bring valid ID ( incluing ID , Passport , driving licence ) for earphone renting .

  26. 门票查验时,持优惠票的参观者须同时出示相关有效证件,具体证件类型见本须知附件。

    Visitors with special admission tickets are required to present a valid ID at the time of ticket verification ( see Annex hereto for types of valid IDs ) .

  27. 结果,皮肤黏膜消毒剂的有效证件、外包装标签标识、说明书等检查和白色念珠菌的杀菌效果均达到100%。

    Results : The eligible rates of valid documents , labels of external packings and descriptions of skin-mucous membrane disinfectants and their efficacy in killing Candida albicans attained 100 % .

  28. 宿生/生/员/友进入宿舍及使用设施前,需出示有效证件,如住宿证/生证/员证/时入宿证。

    Residents / students / staff / alumni who enter the Hall need to present a valid resident card / student card / staff card / temporary resident card for security check .

  29. 这是未持有效证件驾驶的罚单,但是关于超速我给予你警告,下次小心点。

    Here 's the ticket for not having a valid license . But I 'm only going to give you a warning about exceeding the speed limit . Be careful next time .

  30. 进行现场核查,许可机关应当指派两名以上执法人员参加并出示有效证件,申请人和食品经营者应当予以配合。

    The licensing organ shall designate two or more law enforcement officers to conduct an on-site inspection , who shall show their valid credentials , and the applicant and food dealer shall cooperate .