In fact , it was ranked as the most important perk ( after cash and benefits ) in an EY survey last year .
What Benefits Do Employees Value Most ?
UK , as the earliest welfare state , its tax system is very perfect , especially on the property tax system .
In fact , an extra week of paid time off was among the top-three employee choices in seven of the ten markets surveyed .
Netflix announced Tuesday it will begin offering " unlimited " paid time off to employees during their first year as new parents , one of the most generous parental leave packages offered in the competitive tech industry .
In some of the European countries , the people are given the biggest social benefits such as medical insurance .
The suicides and apparently difficult working conditions appear France 's reputation of having some of the most worker benefits in the world .
A pioneer in social welfare , New Zealand has a comprehensive social security scheme for the aged , disabled , sick and unemployed .
England is not only the inchoative country of the world Industrial Revolution , but also the first country which established the child welfare system .
Vast contributions to charity , neverdisclosed . Personally managed to save three hospitals from closure and ran the best and safest children 's homes in north England .
We offer advice to multinational and Chinese companies in South China on issues such as minimum wages , labour law updates , benefits , employer branding , career development and working conditions .