
  • 网络The Best Moment;The Finest Hours;finest hour
  1. 但是,他却选择了一个最好的时刻,再次成为热点人物。

    He picked a real good time to get hot again .

  2. 灯光暗下的那一该往往是最好的时刻,知道吗?

    The moment the lights go down is often the best part .

  3. 注意你最好的时刻,一次又一次的行动回报录象。

    Watch your finest moments again and again with the return of action-replays .

  4. 大师,何时是最好的时刻?

    Master , WHEN is the best time ?

  5. 这是想心思最好的时刻。

    It was a convenient time to think .

  6. 一大早是最好的时刻。

    Early morning is the best time .

  7. 它悄悄潜伏著,甚至在我们认为最好的时刻却给予致命的一击。

    It creeps up and strikes even the best of us from time to time .

  8. 而现在可以告诉他们,妈妈哪儿也不去就在这里,这是我生命里最好的时刻。

    Telling them I wasn 't going anywhere was the best moment of my life . '

  9. 记者们知道,采访中最好的时刻,是你收起录音笔然后说,“非常感谢你抽出时间接受采访。”然后,从你连珠炮般的问题中解放出来的受访者会告诉你她一直渴望吐露的事情。

    Journalists know that the best moment in the interview often comes when you put away your pen and say , " Thank you so much for your time . " Then the interviewee - freed from your barrage of questions - tells you the thing she had been wanting to say all along .

  10. 喜欢埃德加?爱伦?坡作品的人认为万圣节前夕是一年中最好的庆祝时刻了。

    Those who love the writings of Edgar Allan Poe think Halloween is the best time of year to celebrate them .

  11. 休斯敦消息&过去三年里,眼下差不多就是网队开始发力,打出最好水平的时刻。

    HOUSTON & The past three years this was right around the time the Nets would start to play their best basketball .

  12. 所以早在很久以前,魁北克居民就将冬季认定为最好的庆祝时刻。

    So , back in a long time ago , residents of Quebec had recognized it as the best celebration of the winter time .

  13. “现在的股票很便宜,也许是自1980年来的最好的买股票时刻”,比尔米勒星期三告诉CNBC记者。

    Stocks are cheap right now and it may be the best time to buy them since the early1980s , Legg Mason Capital Management Chairman and CIO Bill Miller told CNBC Wednesday .

  14. 现在是(最好的)时候(时刻,时机)了。

    Now is the ( best ) time ( moment ) .