
gēng dòng
  • change;alter;modify;replace
更动 [gēng dòng]
  • [change;replace;alter] 更改变动

  • 人事更动

更动[gēng dòng]
  1. 我可以冒昧提个更动意见吗?

    May I venture to suggest a change ?

  2. 对你的计划做点儿更动

    Make a change in your plan

  3. 图案已有所更动。

    The design has been altered .

  4. 未经opw流体输送集团中国公司事先的书面同意,不得对上述使用条款进行修改或更动。

    These terms of use may not be changed or modified without the prior written consent of OPW fluid transfer group china .

  5. 他枉费心机地在政界人物和军事将领中间进行一些人事更动。

    In vain he made changes among the politicians and generals .

  6. 在对热水器进行更动之前,请与当地经销商和供电部门联系。

    Contact your dealer or utility company before making any changes .

  7. 那个国家的边界根据条约有所更动。

    The boundaries of that country were changed by a treaty .

  8. 他后来对各项布置的胡乱更动,使德国海军参谋部忧心忡忡。

    His consequent distortion of the arrangements disturbed the German Naval Staff .

  9. 一旦达成协议,内容不能更动。

    Once we make a deal , it cannot be changed or renegotiated .

  10. 那计划已批准,仅作了些许更动。

    The plan was approved with some minor modifications .

  11. 他们更动了我们上课的时间。

    They 've changed the time of our lesson .

  12. 不过你还需要做一些小小的更动。

    But you need to make some small changes .

  13. 对不起,我可以更动一下我的电报地址吗?

    Excuse me , could I make some alterations to my cable address ?

  14. 精巢的结构随体长和季节的更动而变化。

    The testicular structure changes with season and total length of the shark .

  15. 她的主意已定,决不更动。

    Her mind was quite determined and varied not .

  16. 备注:法会行程如有任何更动,将会在中心法会期间通告。

    Remark : Any changes in the Schedule will be announced at the Center .

  17. 她拒绝在意见上更动。

    She refused to budge from her opinion .

  18. 我想我们可以把规定更动一下,给伊冯提供一些资助。

    I think we can bend the rules sufficiently to give Yvonne some financial aid .

  19. 大部分更动会马上生效。

    Most changes will take effect instantly .

  20. 这部‘新’电影只不过是在1948年的原版片中做些更动而已。

    The ` new ' film is just a souped-up version of the 1948 original .

  21. 他的这个题目不可更动。

    He was immovable on the subject .

  22. 最初的计划后来有所更动。

    The original plan was later changed .

  23. 信仰已僵化为不可更动的教条。

    Beliefs have ossified into rigid dogma .

  24. 这是一个功能齐全的模拟器和无穷的乐趣,以更动。

    It is a full featured simulator and a lot of fun to mess around with .

  25. 头版的版面编排有时需要更动好几次。

    The way the front page is made up may need to be altered several times .

  26. 我想这些更动可以驳回吧?

    I suppose these changes are deniable ? ie We might convince others they are not true .

  27. 有时,更动会产生一些我们无法有效避免的副作用,或者是会导致我们在其它地方遇到错误。

    Sometimes , changes have side-effects we cannot reasonably avoid , or we expose bugs somewhere else .

  28. 既然幽默是无声的,那定格的表情比呼啸的相声来得更动人心;

    Since the humor is silent , then the fixed facial expressions are more moved than the roar crosstalk ;

  29. 教育部长已辞职,内阁的其他成员也将有重大更动。

    The Education Minister has resigned , and there will be general post among the other members of the cabinet .

  30. 以上之规格及尺寸如为提高性能而更动恕不另行通知。

    There is no additional notice if the above specifications and sizes are changed by the reason of capability promotion .