
  • more;Stronger;swifter higher stronger;Fortius
  1. 答案取决于哪种要素的影响力更强。

    The answer depends on which component happens to be stronger .

  2. 如果你在午饭时间路过一个披萨店,即使你知道披萨可能对你的健康而言不是最佳食品,你的情感要素可能比你的知识要素更强。

    If you are walking past a pizza restaurant at lunchtime , your emotions and feelings probably will be stronger than your knowledge that pizza may not be the best food for your health .

  3. 未来的工人必须具有更强的适应性。

    Tomorrow 's workers will have to be more adaptable .

  4. 你应该表现出更强的自制力。

    You need to demonstrate more self-control .

  5. 新的党名意在使该党对公众具有更强的吸引力。

    Its new title was meant to give the party greater public appeal

  6. 研究表明,女性的管理风格往往具有更强的参与式特点。

    Studies have shown that women tend to be more participatory in their management style .

  7. 你年龄再大一些后,我想你就会有更强的心理承受能力来面对所发生的任何事。

    When you 're older I think you 're better equipped mentally to cope with whatever happens

  8. 就算是在技术高度熟练的劳动者中,也会有人能力更强,因此,薪水也就更高。

    Even in a highly skilled workforce some people will be more capable and thus better paid than others .

  9. 这本书如经删节,可读性也许会更强些。

    This book might be more readable if it is abridged .

  10. 它们是否被代谢成毒性更强的化合物?

    Are they metabolized to more toxic compounds .

  11. 另一个例证是朗读。研究表明,朗读会赋予孩子更多的词汇量,阅读理解能力也更强。

    Another example is reading aloud , which studies have shown gives children bigger vocabularies and better reading comprehension in school .

  12. 但如果你正在家里,为去哪里吃晚饭犹豫不决,你的知识要素则可能会更强,因此你会选择一个能吃到更健康的食物的地方。

    If you are at home trying to decide where to go for dinner , however , the knowledge component may prevail , and you decide to go where you can eat a healthier meal .

  13. 和依赖自身的细菌相比,在这些组织里的细菌还对清洁剂和抗生素有更强的抵抗力。

    Becteria in these communities also have an enhanced resistance to sanitizersand antibiotics compared to bacteria living on their own .

  14. 这个问题暗示出一个好奇心更强的理事长应该会设法拿到录像。

    The implication of the question is that a more curious commissioner would have found a way to get the tape .

  15. 任何以特定频率接收无线信号的设备都可能被在相同频率上进入的更强的信号所覆盖。

    Any device that 's built to receive a wireless signal at a specific frequency can be overwhelmed by a stronger signal coming in on the same frequency .

  16. 比起小面积色彩,它们则需要更大的面积,而且它们对空间感的营造也有更强的影响。

    They require a bigger commitment than smaller ones , and they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space .

  17. 然而,10至12岁年龄组的人“关心有多少人喜欢自己发的帖子”这表明了一种对社会认可的“需要”,这种认可随着年龄的增长而变得更强。

    However , those in the 10 to 12 age group were " concerned with how many people like their posts " , suggesting a " need " for social recognition that gets stronger the older they become .

  18. 研究压力的科学家们发现,一点压力可以使免疫系统变得更强。

    Scientists who study stress learnt a little stress can make the immune system stronger .

  19. 许多左撇子的视觉能力更强。

    Many left-handers learn better visually .

  20. 只有认识到这些事的重要性我们才能真正地成长,变得更强。

    We can really grow up and become stronger by realizing the importance of these things .

  21. 研究人员推测,这些发现可能证实左撇子拥有更强的语言能力。

    The researchers speculate the findings may give left-handed people greater verbal skills .

  22. 科学家报告称,德尔塔毒株似乎传播力更强,而且导致更多重症。

    Scientists report that it appears to be more transmissible , as well as to cause more serious illness .

  23. 7.右脑发达的人创造力更强?

    People think that personalities7 whose right side of the brain is more developed tend to have good creative skills .

  24. 人们以为右脑更发达的人通常创造力更强,而左脑更发达的人通常分析能力和逻辑推理能力更强。

    And those who have their left side of the brain dominating tend to have better analytical8 and logical skills .

  25. 也许,最重要的衡量慢活成功的标志是我感觉到和他人的关系更密切感情更深了,联系更强了。

    And perhaps , the most important measure of the success of this is that I feel that my relationships are a lot deeper , richer , stronger .

  26. 痛苦分两种,一种让你变得更强,另一种毫无价值,只是徒添折磨。

    There are two kinds of pain , the sort of pain that makes you strong or useless pain , the sort of pain that 's only suffering .

  27. 这在很大程度上是因为微笑可以增加内啡肽的分泌,迫使我们深呼吸,从而使我们更加平静,应对能力更强。

    This is largely owing to the fact that smiling boosts endorphin output and forces us to breathe deeper , resulting in a calmer outlook and increased coping ability .

  28. 用这种涂料漆上1000平方英尺(92.9平方米)的屋顶,据科学家们估计,能比普通的中央空调提供更强的降温效果。

    Covering a 1000 square foot [ 92.9 square metre ] roof with this paint , they estimate , would provide more cooling power than a typical central air conditioner .

  29. 专家称,去年十月在印度最早发现的名为B.1.617.2的新冠变种毒株比在英国肯特发现的名为B.1.1.7的毒株传染性更强。

    The variant of Covid-19 first identified in India last October - called B.1.617.2 - is more transmissible than the UK / Kent variant - also known as B.1.1.7 - according to experts .

  30. 极端天气等不可控因素增加了安全管理工作的复杂性,因此组织者应该有更强的责任意识,为各类突发情况做好应急预案。

    Uncontrollable factors , such as the extreme weather , also make safety procedures more complicated . That 's why organizers should have a stronger sense of responsibility and better contingency plans for all emergencies .