
  • 网络attendance sheet;time sheet;Attendance Record
  1. 离开前,他到自己的办公室填写了日常考勤表。

    Before leaving , he went into his office to fill in the daily time sheet .

  2. 你什么时候填写考勤表的?

    When did you fill out your time sheet ?

  3. 海伦,把考勤表送交人事部好吗?

    Helen , would you please send the time sheet to the personnel department ?

  4. 卖方将以此考勤表为依据所要付费。

    The signed timesheets shall be the basis of payment claim by the seller .

  5. 例如:时间计费工具栏具有为客户,工作,考勤表和报告按钮。

    Example : Time Billing toolbar has buttons for Customers , Jobs , Time Sheets and Reports .

  6. 培训教师负责考勤表的填写,并向人力资源部进行汇报。

    The training teachers are responsible for filling in the attendance table and reporting it to HR Department .

  7. 本系统主要包括签到、离岗画面、实时统计查询、员工考勤表打印和系统维护等功能。

    The system includes functions such as sign in / sign out , absence monitoring , real time statistical query , result output and system maintenance .

  8. 培训结束后,可自动生成学员信息表、学员考勤表、学员成绩单、培训效果分析表。

    The trainees ' individual information graphs , attendance tables , school report cards , and training effect analysis tables can be automatically created after the end of the training .

  9. 经理们各自的行事风格多种多样——有些是自由放任型,希望下属做好本职工作而几乎不去监督。另外一些喜欢收到每日汇报,认真查看考勤表,安排和员工的例会。

    Managers come in all shapes and sizes-some are hands-off and expect their employees to do what they need to do with little or no supervision . Others like to receive daily updates , religiously review timecards , and schedule regular check-in meetings with their staff .

  10. 最近三个月的考勤记录、工资表、工资单。

    Time card record , payrolls & pay slip of last three months .