
  1. 结论:溶菌酶裂解结合CTAB提取更适合制备苛求芽孢杆菌基因组DNA。

    Conclusion : The modified CTAB method was better for preparing genomic DNA from Bacillus fastidious .

  2. WTO的争端解决机制比GATT时的争端解决机制更加强制化,规范化,合理化。

    Compared to GATT dispute settlement mechanism , WTO dispute settlement mechanism is more compulsory , regulatory , and rational .

  3. 于热裂解反应相比,低温下正癸烷的GOC反应更适合制备液体组分,同时联产低碳烯烃。

    At lower temperature , GOC process of decane is more suitable for producing liquid compounds , as well as low alkenes .

  4. 采用燃烧合成法制备氧化锌纳米粉体,DTA结果表明用柠檬酸作为燃烧剂比用尿素为燃烧剂时进行燃烧反应放出的热量少,更易制得纳米级氧化物。

    ZnO nano-particle was prepared by combustion synthesis . The result of DTA showed the heat energy released by the reaction with citric acid as incendiary agent was much lower than that of with urea as incendiary agent and leaded to a smaller crystal size .

  5. 因此电镀金的方法更适合制备多孔金。

    It is more suitable to prepare porous gold .

  6. 结论改良超速离心法更适于制备来源于中枢神经系统双向电泳样品。

    Conclusion Modified ultracentrifugation is more suitable for preparing the sample of central nervous system .

  7. 比较结果表明:键合工艺更适合制备高反压器件。

    Comparative result shows bonding is more suitable for fabricating the device of high breakdown .

  8. 结果表明,在所选用的生焦粉中,荆门生焦更利于制备优质的无粘结剂碳材料。

    The results shows that Jingmen green petroleum cokes is better to make the high-quality binderless carbon material .

  9. 【结论】TCA-丙酮沉淀法更适于制备体外培养星形胶质细胞双向电泳蛋白样品。

    【 Conclusions 】 TCA-Acetone precipitation is more suitable for preparing the samples of astrocyte cultured in vitro .

  10. 模拟分析得出在低压、进口与加热器表面距离相对较小、内两层的进口流量相同以及在一定的旋转速度条件下的流场和温度场分布更适合制备薄膜的要求。

    The best results are obtained under conditions of low-pressure , short-distance between inlet and heater , certain rotating speed of the heater and uniform flowrate of the two inner pipes .

  11. 在靠近过渡区微晶一侧的硅材料虽然不是完全不衰退,但相比高晶化率硅材料来说更适合制备高效微晶硅电池。

    The microcrystalline silicon near the threshold is not so stable as the highly crystallized one , but its optoelectronic property is more suitable than the others for making microcrystalline silicon solar cells .

  12. 铁催化反应是目前有机化学研究的热点之一,相对金,银,钯等贵金属催化剂而言,铁催化剂具有价格低廉,更容易制备,对环境友好这样的特点。

    Iron-catalyzed reactions has drawn much attention in organic chemistry , because Iron compounds are usually low price , easy to synthesize and environmentally friendly , compared to other metals , such as gold , silver , palladium .

  13. 结果表明甲烷压力对炭沉积速率、热解炭的微观结构等性能有很大影响,高温高压条件更适合制备飞机炭刹车盘。

    Lastly , it was shown that methane pressure effects on the deposition rate and microstructure of pyrocarbon significantly , and C / C composites fabricated by the high temperature and high pressure CVI are satisfied for aircraft brakes .

  14. 重型载货车因整车总量增加、平均车速提高、比功率增加而迫切需要更大制动力,具体体现在如何提高现生产的制动器和现使用的重型载货车制动器的实际输出制动力矩。

    Heavy duty trucks are urgently demanded for greater brake power because the vehicle gross is increased , average brake speed is raised and the power / mass ratio is enhanced . That materially embodies on how to improve drum brake torque of manufactured produce and service vehicle .

  15. 实验结果表明,在同样的工况下三种工质中M5具有更高的制热效率。

    The experimental results showed that the M5 had higher thermal efficiency than other two working fluids under same working conditions .

  16. 结论正交实验设计方法有助于选择更合适的制备条件。

    Conclusion Orthogonal design is an optimal experiment way for the selection of the appropriate preparation condition .

  17. 尿素由于具有小的分子量和较好的络合性能,更适用于制备薄膜。

    Urea is fit for preparing thin film because of its small molecular weight and good complex ability .

  18. 二者相比较,直接挥发法更适合用来制备PVDF-HFP/HPMC基聚合物电解质。

    The direct evaporation method is more suitable for the preparation of polymer electrolytes based on PVDF-HFP / HPMC .

  19. 计算表明,与采用相同循环工质的现有热泵相比,该新型热泵具有更高的制热系数。

    Calculation showed that the heating coefficient of the new heat pump is higher than existing heat pump under the same cycle fluid .

  20. 经扩孔后的孔形由起初的不规则圆形变为规则圆形,更利于以后制备形状更加规则的纳米线;

    After enlarging bores , the membrane is propitious to fabricate regular nanowire very much as pore shape changes into the regular round .

  21. 基于对实验结果的分析,得出了光子晶体更适合用来制备微腔的结论,并对进一步提高量子点单光子源的效率提出了建议。

    We analyze the experiment results in detail and conclude that photon crystal is more appropriate to prepare microcavities . We also propose some suggestions to improve the efficiency of single photon source based on quantum dots .

  22. 中国的封建法制作为封建社会的重要组成部分,集中体现了封建社会的政治、经济、文化生活和社会状况,更是封建制发展的一面镜子。

    The feudal law system in China , an important component of feudal society , embodies the social politics , economy , cultural life and so on , and reflects the development of feudal system as a mirror .

  23. 同时,通过正交设计法分析得出缫制高品位生丝重在原料茧质。亦证实了性能优良的飞宇2000型自缫机,更适宜缫制高等级生丝。

    Analysis by ortho-gonal design , it is obtained that the key to reeling high-grade raw silk is the raw cocoon quality , and proved that the high-perfor-mance Model 2000 is much more suitable for reeling high-grade raw silk .

  24. 目前制备的方法有:搅拌铸造法、热压烧结法、粉末冶金法等,但各有其局限性,因此需要一种新的方法来更有效的制备复合材料。

    At present , there are many methods of preparation composite material , such as stir-casting process , hot-press sintering , powder metallurgy and so on , but they have some limitations . Therefore , a more efficient new method for preparation of composite materials would be demanded .

  25. 在实际应用中,新的课程模式更能迎合学分制的开展与实施。

    New curriculum modes can more cater to the implement of credit system in practice .

  26. 因此我们试图寻找简单的、经济的、可以广泛使用的、或者能使材料具有更优异性能的制备方法。

    We aim at finding a simple , economical and universal method to prepare polymer / MMT nanocomposites with excellent properties .

  27. 在《歌罗西书》和《以弗所书》中不是这样,在那里的等级更分明,家长制更明显。

    That 's not the way it is in Colossians and Ephesians where it 's much more hierarchical , much more patriarchal .

  28. 校长作为学校最重要的管理者,其具体的管理行为更能凸显单位制对学校管理的影响。

    The most important principals as school managers , their specific management actions to better highlight the unit system on the impact of school management .

  29. 一旦其尺寸更进一步缩小,制得的激光达到四倍之强,它就很可能在2011年铺开。

    It will likely be rolled out in2011 , once the size has been reduced even further and the laser made up to four times more powerful .

  30. 本文研究的原始制陶并不是指原始社会的制陶,而是指相对于现代先进的制陶工艺而言,更具有原始社会制陶技术特征的原生性的制陶工艺。

    Rather , it refers to the original pottery-making technique with the characteristics of pottery in the primitive society , as contrast to the modern advanced pottery-making techniques .