
  • 网络passive radar
  1. 用于无源雷达的GPS卫星信号性能分析

    The Performances Analysis of GPS Signals for Passive Radar

  2. 该文研究了GPS卫星信号作为照射信号的双基无源雷达信号性能。

    This paper studies the performances of GPS signals as the illuminator of bistatic passive radar .

  3. 无源雷达GPS卫星信号模糊函数研究

    Ambiguity Function of GPS Signals for Passive Radar

  4. 利用GPS外辐射源的无源雷达系统

    Introduction of Non-Source Radar Based on GPS

  5. 基于GPS的无源雷达技术研究

    The Research on GPS-Based Passive Radar Techniques

  6. 基于GPS系统探测舰船的无源雷达

    Passive radar based on GPS signal

  7. 本文对基于GPS外辐射源的无源雷达定位与跟踪技术进行了研究。

    In this dissertation , passive positioning and tracking technology based on GPS external illuminator in multi-static radar system was studied .

  8. 基于Chan算法的无源雷达定位精度分析

    Analysis of Locating Precision of Passive Radar by Chan Algorithm

  9. 基于FM信号的无源雷达数据采集系统设计

    Design of the data acquisition system for the passive radar based on FM signal

  10. 分析了利用GPS卫星作为无源雷达探测的照射源的可行性,研究了GPS卫星作为外辐射源,接收机在地面的收发双置的双基地无源雷达系统,并提出了该无源探测系统的研究重点。

    In this paper , it analyzes first on the feasibility of GPS passive radar , then the key processing technology is proposed in the end .

  11. 多发单收模式下基于CDT的无源雷达成像方法

    Passive Radar Imaging Algorithm Based on CDT Using Multiple Illuminators and Single Receiver

  12. 基于多抽样率信号处理的无源雷达MTD方法

    A Method of Moving Target Detection in Passive Radar Based on Multisampling Signal Processing

  13. 提出了一种在多发单收模式下基于相干多普勒层析(CDT)成像的无源雷达成像算法。

    A passive radar imaging algorithm based on coherent doppler tomography ( CDT ) imaging ( using ) multiple illuminators and single receiver is presented .

  14. 本文首先根据单站无源雷达的信号处理流程依次介绍了外辐射源雷达信号处理的一些基本方法,包括目标检测相关算法,航迹处理,基本测向原理以及T-R型双基地无源定位方法。

    This thesis firstly introduces some basic signal processing methods of external illuminator radar based on signal processing flow in mono-static passive radar , which comprise target detecting interrelated arithmetics , track processing , the fundamental of direction find technique and location method of T-R double-static passive radar system .

  15. 一种非合作照射源的无源雷达目标检测方法

    A target detection approach for passive radar based on non-cooperative illuminating

  16. 在此基础上,提出了一种基于二维傅立叶变换的无源雷达成像算法。

    An imaging algorithm based on two-dimensional Fourier transform is proposed .

  17. 基于分数阶相关的无源雷达动目标检测方法

    A New Method for Passive Radar MTD Based on the Fractional Correlation

  18. 基于自适应分数延迟估计的无源雷达直达波干扰对消方法

    Direct Path Cancellation in Passive Radar Based on Adaptive Fractional Delay Estimation

  19. 基于非合作雷达辐射源的无源雷达技术综述

    Overview of passive radar technology based on non-cooperative radar illuminator

  20. 基于非合作照射源的无源雷达直达波抑制技术

    A non-cooperative illumination based suppression of direct wave interference for passive radars

  21. 基于通信信号的双/多基地无源雷达系统

    Passive Radar System with Two or More Bases Based on Communication Signals

  22. 基于CAN总线技术的无源雷达控制系统

    A control system based on CAN bus for passive radar

  23. 无源雷达的发展和一种新颖体制的设想

    The Development of Passive Radar and a New System Concept

  24. 空基运动平台照射源的无源雷达杂波建模

    Modeling of the ground clutter on passive radar based on airborn illuminator

  25. 无源雷达协同定位精度仿真研究

    Research on the Emulation for the Coordinated Locating Accuracy of the Passive Radar

  26. 恒比定时器在无源雷达时差定位系统中的应用

    CFD Used in TD Location System of Passive Radar

  27. 而沉默哨兵代表了此类无源雷达的最新水平。

    Silent Sentry represents the latest level of this kind of passive radar .

  28. 无源雷达系统可靠性分析

    AN Analysis on the Reliability of Passive Radar System

  29. 无源雷达是双(多)基地雷达的一种特殊形式。

    Passive radar is a special form of Bistatic ( Multistatic ) Radar .

  30. 基于机会发射的无源雷达系统发展评述

    An Overview of Development of Passive Radar System Based on Transmitters of Opportunity