
  1. 宽带机械扫描雷达的DBS成像和动目标检测

    DBS imaging and GMTI in a wideband airborne mechanic scanning radar

  2. 在电扫描或机械扫描雷达中均可利用Kalman滤波方法进行跟踪。

    Kalman filtering can be used for target tracking , both in electronic scan radar systems and in mechnical scan radar systems .

  3. 机械扫描雷达DBS模式下的锐化比恒定技术研究

    Study on Keeping Sharpening Ratio Constant Technique in DBS Mode of Mechanical Scanning Radar

  4. 机械扫描雷达和相控阵雷达中的TWS技术

    TWS Technique in the Mechanical Scan Radar and Phased Array Radar

  5. 文中以典型的机械扫描雷达为例,对该算法进行了详细的仿真验证,给出了仿真结果,进行了简要的分析。

    Taking a mechanically scanned radar as example , we give the result of simulation and verification of the algorithm .

  6. 传统的机械扫描雷达由于受其扫描速度的限制,在机载雷达的应用中已逐步被功能强大的电扫描相控阵雷达所取代。

    The conventional mechanical scanning radar is gradually replaced by powerful electric scanning phased array radar in the application as an airborne radar due to its limited scanning speed .

  7. 与传统机械扫描雷达相比,相控阵雷达具有大的功率孔径积,作用距离远;多波束形成能力,扩大雷达的空域观察范围,实现对多目标的检测和跟踪。

    Compared with the traditional mechanical scanning radar , phased array radar has a large power-aperture product , the role of distance ; multi-beam forming capabilities , expanding the scope of observation radar airspace , to achieve the multi-target detection and tracking .

  8. 从扫描方式来看激光雷达经历了机械扫描激光雷达、非扫描激光雷达,光学相控阵激光雷达具有高的响应速度和控制精度、扫描方式灵活可编程,是激光雷达的一个重要发展方向。

    From scanning mode , the laser radar system experienced mechanical scanning mode and non-scanned mode . The Optical phased arrays ( OPA ) laser radar system has high response speed and controlling precision , besides , the OPA laser radar system has flexibility in programmable scanning mode .

  9. 摘要:相对于常规机械扫描多普勒天气雷达,相控阵天气雷达具有更快的扫描速度,更有利于对快速变化的灾害天气进行观测。

    Abstract : Compared with conventional mechanical scanning Doppler weather radar , phased array weather radar ( PAR ) with a faster scan speed , is more conducive to the rapid changes in the weather disaster detection .

  10. 机械扫描体制机载预警雷达的总体问题

    System Design Issues for Mechanically Rotating Airborne Early Warning Radar