
wú zǔ
  • unimpeded;unobstructed;undamped
无阻[wú zǔ]
  1. 我知道,路并非全然无阻。

    I know , the road is not completely unimpeded .

  2. 我有一片广阔的海洋,翱翔无阻!

    I have a vast ocean , flying unimpeded !

  3. 为人圆通会让你成功的道路通畅无阻。

    Diplomacy will smooth your pathway to success .

  4. 拿着这张通行证就可以通行无阻。

    This pass will let you through .

  5. 一路无阻。

    The journey was smooth .

  6. 折算气相原始无阻流量Q0的概念及计算方法

    Concept of Reduced Gas-Phase Primary Open Flow Rate ( Q_0 ) and its Calculation Method

  7. 油井的产能测试包括确定油井的绝对无阻流量qAOF和预测油井的流入动态曲线(IPR曲线)。

    The productivity testing of oil well includes to determine absolute open flow rate and to forecast inflow performance relationship curve .

  8. 本文在分析天然气在多孔介质中高速渗流基本微分方程物理意义的基础上,采用建立非线性规划模型求解方程系数A、B、C,并用交会法确定绝对无阻流量。

    On the basis of analysing basic differential equation of natural gas rapid percolation in porous media , establishes nonlinear programming model to extract equation coefficient A , B , C. Absolute open flow capacity is determined by using intersection method .

  9. 与现在流行的求取压裂气井无阻流量的方法相比,BP人工神经网络方法具有极大的优越性和适用性,它勿需考虑压裂后气井的复杂渗流规律,也不需数值模拟。

    In comparison with the traditional methods , the BP artificial nerve network method possesses considerable superiority and applicability and it isn 't in need of various steady percolation model based on the percolation theory of gas reservoirs after fracturing or numerical value simulation .

  10. 通过二级轻气炮发射方式、激光无阻测量方法测量了不同材料、不同直径的球形破片在不同初速条件下长距离(最大距离达120m)飞行时的速度衰减规律。

    Using two-stage light gas gun and laser technique for velocity measurement , we studied the long-distance flight performances of spherical fragments with different materials and different diameters .

  11. 合成了丙烯酸类共聚破乳剂,研究了温度、溶剂用量、时间和单体配比、引发剂用量、pH调节剂用量、有无阻聚剂等因素对反应的影响。

    We have synthesized demulsifier of acrylic acid series with method of copolymerization , and studied the factors of influence for reaction as to temperature , dosage of solvent , time , dosage of monomer , dosage of solicitation , dosage of pH regulator , have or not polymerization inhibitor .

  12. 采用原位乳液聚合方法制备聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)包覆TiO2(TiO2/PMMA),发现纳米TiO2对甲基丙烯酸甲酯的聚合无阻聚作用。

    This article has described the in situ emulsion polymerization of nano - scale TiO2 encapsulated with polymethyl methacrylate ( TiO2 / PMMA ), and found that the nano - scale TiO2 shows no effect on inhibition of polymerization of MMA .

  13. 把K和气层厚度H的乘积KH(取名为测井储能特征指数)与气层无阻流量测试数据相拟合,得出相应的经验回归关系。

    Fits the product KH of K and the layer thickness H of the reservoir , named as logging characteristic index for the potential of the reservoir ( KH ), to data measured in non-resistance flux test of the gas reservoir , and gets corresponding empirical regression relation .

  14. 线切割无阻脉冲电源中断驱动程序设计

    Design of Interruption Driver of Non-resistance Pulse Generator for Wire-electrode Cutting

  15. 校正地层损害时绝对无阻流量的计算方法

    Calculation Method of Absolute Open Flow Capacity during Formation Damage Correction

  16. 在阿迪德的支持下,谢尔库赫无阻地进入了开罗。

    With the support of al-Adid , Shirkuh entered Cairo unopposed .

  17. 水平气井无阻流量的计算方法及应用

    Calculation and Application of Absolute Open Flow of Horizontal Gas Wells

  18. 得体的、高尚的举止常常是通行无阻的护照。

    Cultured and fine manners are everywhere a passport to regard .

  19. 确定气井无阻流量的新经验公式

    New Equations for Determination of Non-Resistance Flow in Gas Wells

  20. 为使救援车辆通行无阻,要街道畅通。

    Keep streets clear for the passage of emergency vehicles .

  21. 确定气井绝对无阻流量和产能的一个简易方法

    A Simple Method to Determine Absolute Open Flow and'Capacity of Gas Well

  22. 凝析气井无阻流量影响因素分析

    Influence factors of open flow potential in condensate gas well

  23. 他们力图使山口整个冬天通行无阻。

    They try to keep the pass open all winter .

  24. 没错,我们必须要克服困难,直到上下通行无阻。

    Word up , we gotta get over , straight up and down .

  25. 顺利无阻地通过了安检

    They made it through security without a hitch .

  26. 中国消费者只须申请一次签证,就能在25个申根国家通行无阻。

    One visa gave the Chinese shoppers access to all 25 Schengen countries .

  27. 此路通行无阻。

    The way is free for an advance .

  28. 无阻开口-相邻平行线之间的空间。

    CLEAR OPENING-the space between adjacent parallel wires .

  29. 你怎么能通行无阻?

    How come you got the golden pass ?

  30. 其他跨越东河各桥梁的交通,则顺畅无阻。

    Other bridges over the East River are open and traffic is running smoothly .