
  1. 旅游新业态的兴起将进一步促进滨海旅游的发展。

    The rise of new industry will further promote the development of coastal tourism .

  2. 本文初步阐述了旅游新业态的相关概念,并在此基础上,对旅游新业态进行了分类,并探讨了旅游新业态的形成机制。

    This article expounds the related concepts of new tourism format , and on this basis , the new tourism formats are classified , and discusses the formation mechanism of the new tourism formats .

  3. 李金早表示,中国将发展文化旅游、商务旅游等旅游新业态,同时加强与他国在旅游保险和市场监管方面的合作。

    China will cultivate new markets such as cultural and business tourism while enhancing cooperation with other countries in tourism insurance and market regulation , according to Li .

  4. 随着中国综合国力和国际地位的提升,越来越多的大型国际节事活动选择在中国举办,大型节事旅游越来越常态化和规模化,并逐渐发展成为中国旅游的一种新业态。

    As the enhancement of comprehensive national power and elevation of international status of our China , more and more large-scale festivals and events are hold in China , and the event tourism has become stabilized and large-scaled , gradually developing into a new industry pattern of Chinese tourism .