
  • Route;tour route;Travel Route
  1. 你能告诉我最好的旅游路线吗?

    Can you tell me the best tourest route ?

  2. 最佳旅游路线选择的神经网络方法

    Neural Network Method to Select the Best Tour Route

  3. 通过使用Java、microsoftSQLserver2000等技术实现数据库和旅游路线的设计,并根据客户的特点,设计客户最为熟悉、方便和友好的个性化界面。

    Implement the design of database and travel routes using Java , Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database and other technologies .

  4. 旅游路线可以是闲适的漫步,也可以是艰苦的徒步旅行,有可能看到史前岩画、三叠纪针叶植物化石或红盆地(RedBasin)内的化石层,红盆地是公园最新征募的土地。

    Tours range from leisurely walks to strenuous hikes and can lead to petroglyphs , Triassic-era conifers or fossil beds in the Red Basin , the park 's newest land acquisition .

  5. 在现金窘迫的朝鲜寻求新的收入来源之际,朝鲜官方媒体周一说,该国正准备向中国游客新开放一条通往东北部边境城市会宁(Hoeryong)的旅游路线。

    As cash-strapped North Korea seeks new sources of revenue , it prepares to open a new tour for Chinese visitors to the north-eastern border city of Hoeryong , state media said on Monday .

  6. 我们也将发展火车旅游路线和生态旅游路线。

    We will also develop railway travel routes and ecological travel routes .

  7. 利奥:我知道这个城市中所有最好的旅游路线。

    Leo : I know all the best tours in the city !

  8. 川南地区,历史悠久,文化灿烂,风光优美,是四川的精品旅游路线之一。

    South Sichuan has a long history and splendid culture and fine scenery .

  9. 我们呆在一家小旅馆里,远离旅游路线。

    We stayed in a small hotel , well off the tourist track .

  10. 旅游路线选择按照形象导向模式进行,受旅游宣传促销影响很大。

    Their selection on traveling routes is affected by the images propagated by destinations .

  11. 村子坐落于张家界高高的山上,就在旅游路线的边上。

    The village high up in the mountains of Zhangjiajie lies along the tourist trail .

  12. 都有哪些旅游路线啊?

    What kind of tours are available ?

  13. 以上就是我为您计划的旅游路线,希望您能满意。

    This is the itinerary I made for you , hope you will like it .

  14. 本文重点介绍了西昌锦屏地区的几处自然景点和地质旅游路线。

    The present paper gives some natural scenic spots and geological tourist routes in this area .

  15. 我真的很喜欢上面的照片,四川将是我的未来旅游路线之一。

    I very like the pictures above , consider Sichuan as well as my future travel destination .

  16. 市内有提供导游服务的旅游路线,几乎涵盖了托马斯生活中的方方面面:他童年时的家;

    There are guided tours of nearly every aspect of Thomas 's life : His childhood home ;

  17. 并且,为实现这一目标和任务,提出了具体的四大景区规划和旅游路线。

    Furthermore , to realize these goals , the essay planned four scenic sports and tour routes .

  18. 企业家们甚至已经为《暮色》影迷们设计了特殊的旅游路线,带他们游览贝拉和爱德华曾经到过的地方。

    Enterprising folks have even set up tours for the Twi-hards who come seeking some scent of Bella and Edward .

  19. 如果司机把标准调到水平2的话,他这时候可能就是在敲诈你了水平2是为旅游路线设计的,费用较高。

    If he turns it up to level 2 he might just be ripping you off par for the tourist course .

  20. 根据统一计划和市场需要编制旅游路线,进行招徕活动;

    To draw up touring itineraries and to conduct soliciting activities in accordance with the unified plan and the market demands ;

  21. 旅行的时候我不喜欢走寻常的旅游路线,我就像一个当地人一样衣食住行。

    When traveling , I always love planting myself away from the tourist path and taking in things as a local .

  22. 旅游路线、旅行费用以及旅游目的地的天气状况是游客普遍关心和查询的信息。

    The route , expenses and the weather of the tourism destinations is the universal concern and the information that they will inquire .

  23. 乘船游览的客轮的游客是“和海豚一起游泳”项目的主要客人,因为许多客轮都在沿岸旅游路线里提供这个项目。

    Cruise liners are a significant source of customers for swim-with-dolphins programs because many cruises promote these programs in their offshore excursion packages .

  24. 我们不断的更新我们的业务,包括广泛的旅游路线,快速有效地与商务目标联系,物美价廉的航班。

    We are constantly updating our mix of a wide-range tourist programme , fast , efficient connections to business destinations and good-value , low-cost flights .

  25. 另一方面,协会的中西区、油麻地、长洲、大屿山和西贡自助旅游路线依然广受游客欢迎。

    The association 's self-guided walking tours covering Central and Western District , Yau MaTei , Cheung Chau , Lantau and Sai Kung , continued to be popular .

  26. 他塑造的人物侦探卡瓦罗有成群的粉丝,而在巴塞罗那还有一条因他的故事而知名的特殊旅游路线&卡瓦罗了解这个城市破敝肮脏的一面,也知道最好的餐馆。

    There is also a special tourist route around Barcelona for fans of Carvalho , who knows the seedy side of the city as well as the best restaurants .

  27. 对旅游路线中最佳路径的问题,提出一种新的算法,可解决旅游路线中的最少换乘问题,并已成功地在计算机上实现。

    In relation to best path in travel route , the author advances a new algorithm which has been implemented on computer and will solve least transfer in travel route .

  28. 据有关专家预测,非典过后,网上订票、订房、订景点、订旅游路线将成为游客时髦的话题和自觉的行动。

    According to relevant experts ' prediction , booking tickets , rooms , scenic spots and tourist route will become fashionable topics and conscious actions for tourists after SARS time .

  29. 不过,绝对不会出现在旅游路线上的一个设施就是朝鲜按面积计算最大的一座劳改营,这座被称为22号营地的劳改营就在这个城市附近。

    One facility that definitely won 't be on the tour is the largest of North Korea 's prison camps by area , known as Camp 22 , near the city .

  30. 它以旅游路线为主体,与各部门、各行业相结合,从而满足旅游者在旅游过程中的食、住、行、游、购、娱六大基本需求。

    The main was travel line , and all departments and sectors combined in order to meet the tourists ' six basic needs of food , shelter , transportation , travel , purchase , entertainment in the process of touring .